[gothic-l] Region name connected with Goetar, Goths

Beril Haggman mvk575b at TNINET.SE
Sat Jul 21 12:00:38 UTC 2001


Yes, on ONN Hoops was mentioned (Reichert was,
as you have pointed out, a member of ONN) and
his book on Germanic personal names is an
excellent source, may be the latest and best

On the encyclopedia I am writing entries for,
it is on a subject to a certain
degree removed from the subject of the gothic-l.

Then turning to Goetaland and the background
of this regional name we can start with present
extension. It comprises the Swedish provinces Smaaland,
Vaestergoetland, Oestergoetland, Bohuslaen,
Dalsland, Oeland and Gotland and incorrectly
Skaane, Halland and Blekinge (which is historically
false, also, if you want, Bohuslaen). Especially
in Scania the thre southernmost provinces
are regarded as Scanialand, a fourth Swedish
region along with Svealand and Norrland). Did not
refer to these specialities of geography but maybe
it would a good idea to at least geographically
more exactly describet Goetland/Goetaland.
Thank you.

In the Middle Ages Goetaland or Goetland included
the provinces only of Vaestergoetland, Dalsland, Oester-
goetland, parts of Smaaland with Oeland.



Acually, we've been hearing about the Reallexicon der 
altgermanischen Wissenschaften for years. A number 
of lists, such as Oldnorsenet, have even had a number 
of the conributors to the Reallexicon as members, who 
have often generously supplied us with electronic excerpts 
to elucidate a topic that is being discussed. And I think 
there are few listmembers who do not know that it has 
a lot of volumes and that each volume is several hundred 

I am glad the subject came up, though, and that you took 
time to contribute a much as you did. Personally, I feel I 
learned very much from this example, and I wish to thank 
every one who contributed with their time and insight. 
Especially to Professor Schwarz I wish to direct the 
warmest thanks. 

I hope you will keep us posted on that!

Can you tell us if the original Götaland area is 
only South of the Göta älv? Because in the Viking 
Age the land that lies North of the Göta älv was 
called Ranríki and was part of Víkin. The Southern 
limit of Ranríki was called "Gautelfr" in ancient Norse 
sources. You may also wish to compare with Jordanes 
§ 23, where he lists the "Raumariki" as the Neighbors 
of the "Ostrogothae"!  You didn't discuss this in your 
earlier post; but please feel free to include it with your 
article ! 

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