[gothic-l] Re: Dieupentale/(in)Diupindala

Heidet Philippe heidet.ph at WANADOO.FR
Fri Jan 25 16:52:09 UTC 2002

le 25/01/02 10:37, Sahin Ahmet à ahmetsahinn at yahoo.com a écrit :

interesting, is there a clear cut selection of endings as to the tribes?

In fact the '-ingen' endings extent far beyond Alamannic areas, but
assumed some significance in distinguishing supposedly Alamannic '-
ingen' settlements from Frankish '-heim' settlements. But as I said
there are many '-ingen' placenames in North Germany. My hometown is
called Wittingen (North Germany/Lower Saxony) and is first recorded
in 783AD as 'Witinge', while old 'gau' (area) names in this region
are 'Doringo', 'Bardingo' etc.

The use of '-ing' suffix in the construction of place names in Germanic
settlements is mostly common to all Germanic tribes. But it seems to be like
a style, being typical of a period. In France, it corresponds to the
earliest Germanic settlements (before 800 AC). So, in the Northern part of
France, we never find '-ing' settlements in area under Frankish influence
(except in Lorraine, but it is an old settlement's area).

The North French '-ing-hem' constructions (in Flandres) belong probably to
Saxon influence ('litus saxonicum') and can be linked to English '-ing-ham'.

As I wrote it, I think we can make a difference between '-ingos' suffix (for
East Germanic settlements by Goths and Burgondians) and '-inga' suffix (for
West Germanic settlements by Frankish, Alamanic, Saxon ... tribes).
For example, in the area of the town of Belfort in the South of Alsace, we
find the two constructions : 'Toroangus' (880) for the village of 'Dorans'
and 'Turinga' and 'Agilinga' (in the same years) for the villages of
'Denney' and 'Eguenigue' ('Düringen' and 'Eglingen' in German).
The frontier between '-ingos/-ans' and '-inga/-igue,-igne,-ingen' is nearly
the same frontier between Alamanic and Burgondian aeras.

But, this discussion don't answer me about a wisigothic continuation in the
South West of France ...


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