[gothic-l] Re: Digest Number 757

Tore Gannholm tore.gannholm at SWIPNET.SE
Mon May 5 09:55:41 UTC 2003

>  > Hi,
>>  Concerning Herzog the Swedish equivalent is 'hertig' if that is of
>>  use.Birger jarl, whose title was jarl, i.e.earl, counted himself as
>>  in the 13th c.
>>  Best
>>  Ingemar
>Thanks Ingemar,
>so I understand that the title of Herzog/Hertig, as Dux was used in
>Sweden as well. Unless this Swedish nobleman borrowed the title from
>Germany, this might suggest that the term, i.e. the concept was
>common Germanic and perhaps not borrowed by the Goths from  the
>Greek. Yet, I think the title Herzog or similar was not used in Anglo-
>Saxon England.


The title goes back a long way.
In the Roman state calendar from about 400 AD there were 25 such titleholders.

In Sweden Magnus LadulÄs was the first to have that title.

For those who can read Swedish I have printed an extract from "Svensk 
uppslagsbok" to




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