Archaeological Word-List (Part of)

Michael Erwin merwin at BTINTERNET.COM
Tue Apr 17 08:43:50 UTC 2007

- Culture
- [A specific archaeological] culture
- [Archaeological] tradition
- [Archaeological] horizon
- Ecology
- Technology
- Landscape
- Economy
- Material culture
- Artifact
- Structure
- Site
- Settlement
- Taphonomy
- Conditions of preservation
- Pottery
- Potsherds
- Gravegoods
- Tracht
- Prestige goods
- Elite goods
- Serriation
- Stratigraphy
- Radiocarbon
- Dates Before Present (and After Present, P=1950)
- Oksywie
- Przeworsk
- Weilbark
- Chernyakhov
- Sintana de Mures

Statistical concepts are also useful
- Statistics
- Distribution
- Mean
- Median
- Mode
- Variance
- Standard Deviation

Chernyakhov -

I suggest either *Qernjahifs or *[90]ernjahifs as a transliteration.  
*Q or *[90] to represent the initial Ch-. (Ualarauans made the same  
[90] suggestion here). H to represent the Kh. Russian and Ukrainian  
have no H; Gothic has no Kh. I to represent the Russian O or  
Ukrainian I.

Culture -

I was considering some derivation of arbi, but agree that kultura  
seems better in most contexts.

Artifact -

How about *mana-waurstw then?

Material Culture -

*Kultura in aigina (or another word for goods and structures and so on)?

*Kultura in manawaurstwa?

Settlement -

use words for village, town, city, etc?

Archaeological site -

Anywhere of historical or archaeological interest might be an  
*arbistaþs. An archaeological site might be an *arkaiulaugikeina  
(after Ualarauans' suggestion) *arbistaþs or an *arkaiulaugikeina staþs.
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