Call for Papers

Larry J. Swain theswain at OPERAMAIL.COM
Tue Apr 24 22:45:31 UTC 2007

Please note the upcoming issue on languages and linguistics!

As the end of the year and Congress and Leeds approach in the coming 
weeks, please keep in mind the following upcoming issues of The 
Heroic Age:

The Heroic Age Issue 12: Early Medieval Languages and Linguistics 
(January 2008)

The Heroic Age invites submissions on any aspect of Late Antique or 
Early Medieval languages and linguistics. Topics may include (but are 
not limited to): place name studies; vocabulary borrowed from 
different languages (such as William Sayers exploration of the 
borrowing of nautical vocabulary from Norse in Issue 8 of The Heroic 
Age); growth of vernacular languages; the influence of Latin on 
vernacular; vernacular influence on Latin; runes; ogam; editions or 
translations of little known texts or inscriptions; the use or 
mis-use of Greek or Hebrew.

Submissions will be received at any time, no later than October 1, 2007.

Also under development for this issue: A "webliography" of early 
medieval languages and linguistics and an online bibliography on the 
subject.  Please send web sites, project sites, or bibliographical 
information on the subject to the editor.

The Heroic Age Issue 13: Early Medieval Manuscripts: Use and Abuse
(July 2008)

The Heroic Age invites submissions exploring the use or abuse of Late 
Antique and Early Medieval manuscripts. Studies of individual 
manuscripts, or the influence of disparate manuscripts on a 
particular text, the peculiar travels of a manuscript(s), and other 
studies are encouraged and welcome.

Submissions will be received at any time, no later than April 1, 
2008. Submissions should be sent to Larry Swain.

Future issues and sections under development include:
Late Antiquity in Northwestern Europe
The Normans
Early Medieval Law
"Theory" in the Early Middle Ages
Study of the Bible in the Early Middle Ages

The Heroic Age welcomes and encourages papers on topics unrelated to 
themed issues at any time.

The Heroic Age publishes: Feature Articles on themed and unthemed 
topics, Editions and Translations, History by Biography, Book 
Reviews, and Film and Television Reviews.  Submissions should be sent 
to Larry Swain: haediting at

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