Some thoughts on the Danube Crossing of 376

Michael Erwin merwin at BTINTERNET.COM
Thu Jan 18 04:08:06 UTC 2007

Conrad, in "Archaeological Survey on the Lower Danube: Results and  
Perspectives," claims that:

"A profound crisis was caused by the Gothic wars in the second half  
of the fourth century and the invasions of the Huns in the beginning  
of the 5th c. The extent and the intensity of settlement declined and  
later on all settlements in the remote areas of the frontier were  
apparently abandoned. Similar results were achieved by the English- 
Bulgarian expedition in the hinterland of Nicopolis ad Istrum,  
roughly about 60 km directly south of the Danube. The remaining  
people settled in or nearby the fortifications; and new fortresses  
were erected (cf. in the area of our research the fortresses of  
Svishtov/Theodoroupolis, Polsko Kosovo, Koprivec). A higher density  
of mountain fortresses can be found in the northern foreland of the  
Balkan range, a suitable retreat area in that anxious period." -  
Conrad, p. 8
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