Attila's speech

Tue Sep 4 02:16:35 UTC 2007

getica looks pretty much like gothic to me.......whats up with fredric?

ualarauans <ualarauans at> wrote:          --- In gothic-l at, Michael Erwin <merwin at ...> wrote:
> I would mention faura *andaruna or faura *andruna, thinking of
> andastaþjis and andstandjan, but I'm not sure whether the latter 
> words are semantically related or just look that way.

Andastaþjis "opponent", "enemy" and andstandan "to oppose", "to 
stand against" are certainly related, both etymologically and 
semantically. Look at p.t. stoþ "[I, he, she, it] stood" dropping 
the nasal too.

> Of course it's traditional to practice Gothic by translating the
> bible, but it's not that uncommon to try other sources. I've tried
> translating labor songs, and I'm wondering what sort of pseudo-
> historical theory could be read into that...

I suggest you just have to try and see what you'll get in comments ;-
). Seriously speaking, it would be great if people were more eager 
to share their Gothic compositions with the group. I'm sure many of 
us have some.



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