
Valulfr Vaerulsson Valulfr_Vaerulsson at RUNEWOLF.ORG
Sat Feb 2 20:52:02 UTC 2008

Hails alls,

Though I am 'new' here at this time, it wasn't always so.  This is
Valulfr, and I have returned to enjoy to dialog here once again.

I have a question about the etymology of the word 'skohsl', is this a
word Ulfilas made up to denote 'a demon', and if not, where does it
derive?  In the semantic field, this word came down into Old Norse as
'skógi', or 'forest'.  Perhaps it was thought that 'things', spirits
and so forth, living in the forest were to be avoided, not sure.  Any
help here would be greatly appreciated.

In ufarassau wisan,

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