Rosomil, Rosmunda, Rosamunda (and Rosomoni)

llama_nom 600cell at OE.ECLIPSE.CO.UK
Mon Feb 25 21:24:30 UTC 2008

--- In gothic-l at, "ualarauans" <ualarauans at ...> wrote:
> His research of the Old Germanic color symbolism is interesting 
> ("red one" = "traitor", sen. McCarthy lässt grüssen), though one-
> sided, to support his idea of the reddish gens infida. I'm sure 
> there are a lot of positive connotations as well. E.g. the red beard 
> of Thor.

Okay, some of the examples are a bit tenuous, but it's interesting
that one of them is directly related to the man who betrayed
Jörmunrekkr in an Old Norse version of the legend:

Jeg slutter altsaa: Efter det af Jordanes gjengivne gotiske Sagn hørte
Ermanariks troløse Raadgiver, der i tydske Sagn kaldes Sibeche, Sifka,
i det nordiske Bikke, til Stammen Rosomoni eller Rusmunans d. e. "de
Rødlige" eller "de Fregnede". Men hertil passer den i Þiðrikssaga Kap.
186 givne Skildring af Sifkas Ydre paa en mærkelig Maade:

Sifca hans har er rautt som bloð eða rosa grasit oc karhofðaðr ( - éða
þat gras er heitir rusalitter ok liðaðiz allt i lokka A). hans andlit
er leost oc rauðfrecnottr (r -ott A B), oc biartan likama hævir hann
oc allan fręknottan, rautt skegg heuir hann oc hælldr sitt o. s. v. 

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