The Sun: a female word...

Ernesto Garcia theudimer at YAHOO.ES
Tue Jan 27 23:19:34 UTC 2009

There is a very intersting a link:

This is a religous construction made by visigohts in Spain, late in 680-690. In thin time, they were catholic, and draws attention, put  sun and  moon in a church.

because the Councils of Toledo had warned about the survival of paganism in people, I dont undertand why are there the two symbols par excellence of ancient paganism in a church.

sun is feminine and  moon, male,to the Goths until such time as the late seventh century, and I think we've got reason to believe that  Wulfilas changed the Bible at his convenience. linguistic science here does not help us in anthropology

And another question: paganism might not have disappeared among the population goth.    



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