AW: [gothic-l] Gothic names

Andreas Schwarcz andreas.schwarcz at UNIVIE.AC.AT
Tue Jan 5 11:43:23 UTC 2010




Von: gothic-l at [mailto:gothic-l at] Im Auftrag
von r_scherp
Gesendet: Dienstag, 05. Jänner 2010 04:30
An: gothic-l at
Betreff: [gothic-l] Gothic names


  Well, you could look into the relevant books to find these reconstructions
and the etymology of these names, f.i.:


Ernst Wilhelm Förstemann, Altdeutsches Namenbuch, 2 vols. (Bonn 1900).
(Supplementary volume to vol.1, Personenennamen by Henning Kaufmann,
München, Hildesheim 1968)

 Moritz Schönfeld, Wörterbuch der altgermanischen Personen- und Völkernamen
(Heidelberg 1911)




Best wishes,

                 Andreas Schwarcz



I imagine someone here has taken the trouble to reconstruct the known Gothic
names. I would be very interested in this. For example, Theoderic is
actually Thiudareiks, meaning Ruler of the People. I suppose it won't always
be possible to ascertain the originals and their meanings, but it always
productive to give it thought. I am tired of seeing the names in Latin,
English or Spanish.


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