Request for input: Questionnaire regarding feasability of an AP C hinese Language Test

Scott McGinnis smcginnis at
Thu Apr 19 20:06:31 UTC 2001

Courtesy of Lucy Lee of ETS -- for those of you involved in teaching
Chinese in pre-collegiate settings, or know of people that do,
your/their input will be VERY helpful.

Scott McGinnis
Executive Director
National Council of Organizations of Less Commonly Taught Languages

Associate, Less Commonly Taught Languages
National Foreign Language Center
7100 Baltimore Avenue, Suite 300
College Park, MD  20740
voice: 301-403-1750 x18          fax: 301-403-1754
e-mail:  smcginnis at     OR sm167 at
web:   OR

-----Original Message-----
From: Lee, Lucy [mailto:llee at]
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 3:54 PM
To: EGroups CLASS (E-mail)
Subject: [chinesek12] AP Questionnaire Feasibility AP Chinese Language

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