Electronic resource: Discussion board for upcoming LCTL DL conference

sm167 Scott_G_McGINNIS at umail.umd.edu
Wed Dec 5 17:26:00 UTC 2001

Dear colleagues,

I am writing to share with you some information about one of the features
of the upcoming conference, "Distance Learning of the Less Commonly Taught
Languages" (URL: www.langinnovate.msu.edu ). One of the pre-conference
activities is to have web discussions with the plenary speakers about the
topics of their speeches. (URL: http://langinnovate.msu.edu/commpapers.html ).

We will be hearing from language acquisition, teaching, and policy experts
who are presenting on various interesting topics relating to distance
learning (see list below).  You do not have to be registered for the
conference in order to participate in the bulletin board discussions.  You
can read the paper drafts (some are in, some will be posted shortly) and
then go to the bulletin board to post your questions, comments, thoughts,

Please stop by and share your thoughts and questions for the presenters and
for your fellow colleagues!

Bulletin board URL: http://langinnovate.msu.edu/commpapers.html
Conference page URL: www.langinnovate.msu.edu

Paper topics:

"Educational climate for LCTL instruction"
Richard Brecht: National Foreign Language Center

"Computer assisted language learning and distance learning"
Carol Chapelle: Iowa State University and Joan Jamieson: Northern Arizona
"Assessment of learners in a distance learning language course"
Andrew Cohen, University of Minnesota

"Optimal psycholinguistic environments for distance foreign language learning"
Catherine Doughty and Michael Long: University of Hawaii at Manoa

"Distance learning"
Elizabeth Hoffman: Nebraska Department of Education

Margo Glew, Ph.D
Coordinator, Less Commonly Taught Languages Program
Linguistics and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages
A614 Wells Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824-1027
phone: 517-432-1324
fax: 517-432-2736

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