Inquiry: Test for adult Spanish reading levels

Scott McGinnis smcginnis at
Tue Dec 11 14:27:45 UTC 2001

Responses may be sent directly to Kim at her e-mail address of
kpotow1 at


A colleague in the Public Health Outreach program has the following
needs.  She says the current questionnaire doesn't work with some of
their clients, who have very low Spanish literacy levels (adults). Does
anyone know of an appropriate assessment/instrument?


Kim Potowski

We are looking for a tool that will allow us to determine at what grade
level our current questionnaire is at and also, a tool that would help
us assess at what level we need to design the questionnaire. The purpose

of our assessments are to find out about current nutrition and physical
activity behaviors of our program participants. They are pre and post
questionnaires. We also have a gestational diabetes questionnaire which
assesses current knowledge, beliefs and attitudes of women with
gestational diabetes.

Kim Potowski
Director, CPS-UIC Heritage Language Teacher Corps
Coordinator, Spanish for Native Speakers
University of Illinois at Chicago
Department of Spanish, French, Italian & Portuguese
1727 UH, MC-315, 601 S. Morgan St.
Chicago, IL 60607
(312) 996-8524  Fax (312) 413-1044

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