Job: Assistantship in field linguistics (study of an endangered Mexican indigenous language), U. of Alberta -- DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS 03/15/02

Scott McGinnis smcginnis at
Wed Dec 19 14:51:07 UTC 2001

(Apologies if you already received this, but there seemed to be some
problems with the Maryland e-mail system yesterday, and several people
received postings to heritage-list that were blank documents -- I am
therefore resending the three postings originally sent on Monday 17
December. Again, sorry for the troubles, sm)

Assistantship in Field Linguistics

The Department of Linguistics at the University of Alberta is inviting
applications for a PhD student research assistantship position,
September 2002, on field project to document an endangered Mexican
indigenous language. The project, currently entering its second year,
include an eight-month trip to the field in Mexico in January to August
2003. Students will be expected to participate actively in the
and archiving of data and the preparation of paper and electronic
of a trilingual dictionary. Further details of the project can be found

This assistantship is designed to provide talented Ph.D. student
with stable funding for the duration of their studies and to facilitate
their involvement as junior colleagues in the academic life of the
Department. Students will have the opportunity to present the results of
individual research at conferences and, where appropriate, will be
encouraged to publish their results in professional venues.

The assistantship will be at the rate of $11,000 CDN per academic year
(September to April). Candidates will be required to meet the entrance
requirements for the Ph.D. program in linguistics and will be assessed
normal Ph.D. tuition fees which are currently $3,200 CDN per academic
for Canadian students and $5,900 CDN for non-Canadian students.

Preference will be given to applicants with a strong background in
linguistics, preferably at the graduate level, and to those with some
training in linguistic field methods. A good knowledge of typology and
computational skills, as well as competence in Spanish, would be an

The deadline for application for this assistantship is March 15, 2002.
Taking up this position is normally contingent upon admission to the
Program in Linguistics; applicants are encouraged to meet Departmental
deadlines for applications, as outlined on the UofA Linguistics Website

The application should include: a) a letter that summarizes past
and outlines the candidate's research interests and proposed area of
b) unofficial university transcripts, c) an academic writing sample (a
recent paper, thesis chapter, or article), and d) the names and email
addresses of three referees.

Applications should be sent to:

      David Beck
      Department of Linguistics
      University of Alberta
      Edmonton, AB, T6G 2E7
      phone: 780-492-0807
      fax: 780-492-0806
      email: dbeck at

                  Final Date of Application: March 15, 2002

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