Conference information: Third International Symposium on Bilingua lism (April 2001, Bristol UK)

Scott McGinnis smcginnis at
Thu Feb 8 20:49:07 UTC 2001

Third International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB3)

Local Organisers:
Centre for European Studies (CES), Faculty of Languages and
European Studies (LES) University of the West of England,

Wednesday 18 April 2001 to Friday 20 April 2001

Venue: University of the West of England, Frenchay Campus,
Coldharbour Lane, Bristol BS16 1QY, UK


Professor Colin Baker (Wales/Bangor), Kate Beeching (UWE),
Felix Bihlmeier (UWE), Dr Helmut Daller (UWE),
Dr Margaret Deuchar (Wales/Bangor), Professor Ullrich
Kockel (UWE), Dr Nicholas Miller (Newcastle), Professor Li
Wei (Newcastle), Dr Stephen May (Bristol), Dr Susan Price
(UWE), Professor Michael Scriven (UWE), Professor Gisela
Shaw (UWE), Dr Jeanine Treffers-Daller (UWE)


Professor Jim Cummins (Toronto)
Dr Ton Dijkstra (Nijmegen)
Professor Nancy Hornberger (Pennsylvania)
Professor Juergen Meisel (Hamburg)
Professor Thomas Roeper (Amherst, Massachussetts)
Professor Suzanne Romaine (Oxford)

Further programme details are available from the website.

Registration information
A registration form is available from the following website:


Standard Registration Fee - £160
Late Registration Fee - £170 (for bookings received after 1
March 2001)
Student/Unwaged Registration Fee - £130
(on production of student card, or other evidence of
Day Symposium Rate - £70

Completed registration forms with sterling cheques, made
PAYABLE TO "UWE,BRISTOL" should be sent to:

Third International Symposium on Bilingualism
Faculty of Languages and European Studies
UWE, Bristol, Frenchay Campus
Coldharbour Lane
Bristol BS16 1QY

Payment through credit card is also possible. Please
provide your credit card number AND THE EXPIRY DATE on your
registration form. We accept the following credit cards:
VISA, Mastercard, Switch and DELTA. For Switch please also
indicate issue number.

All further information (about the Programme, Registration
and Accommodation) can be obtained from the website.

Please note the following:
* rooms in the Student Halls of Residence have all been
booked (no free rooms left).
* The dinner in the Student Halls of Residence on Wednesday
18 April is ONLY available for delegates staying in the

The deadline for the submission of abstracts has expired on
1 October 2000. Unfortunately new abstracts can no longer
be considered for presentation at the conference.
Further enquiries / hardcopy of registration form:

Address for correspondence:
Third International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB3)
University of the West of England
Faculty of Languages and European Studies
Coldharbour Lane
Bristol BS16 1QY
Great Britain

- --------------------------------------
Dr Jeanine Treffers-Daller
Principal Lecturer in Linguistics
Email: Jeanine.Treffers-Daller at
"University of the West of England"

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