Workshop (with technical assistance for grant writing): Developme nt of Early Literacy

Scott McGinnis smcginnis at
Thu Mar 15 15:49:25 UTC 2001

Date:  Tue, 13 Mar 2001 14:19:58 -0500
From:  "Creatura, Lisa" <LCreatura at>
Subject:  Biliteracy Research Technical Assistance Workshop

February 14, 2001

Dear Colleagues:

The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and
Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department
Education are pleased to co-sponsor a series of technical assistance
workshops on the Development of Early Literacy in
Children: NICHD-OERI Biliteracy Research Initiative. Each workshop will
feature presentations by Federal government experts and nationally
recognized researchers involved in biliteracy research, grant writing,
research methodology. All interested research investigators are invited
attend, and new and minority investigators are especially encouraged to
part. In order to facilitate your participation, we've scheduled each
workshop in a convenient geographic region.

The first workshop will be held at the OERI Board Room - Lobby Level,
New Jersey Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C., on April 6th.  A second
is currently planned for Denver, Colorado, on May 31st as well as
regional events. For more information regarding the agenda and
for these workshops, please contact Esther Roberts at (301) 294-5607 or
eroberts at
By attending a workshop, you have an excellent opportunity to learn
the development of knowledge relevant to the critical factors that
the development of early language literacy among children whose first
language is Spanish. You will also have the opportunity to discuss the
application process. Researchers and Federal government representatives
also benefit from your insight, experience, and concerns. There will be
discussion of research needs and priorities for future work in this

The ultimate goal of the workshops is to improve our ability to meet the
literacy needs of children and the communities that they live in.  Thank
for your efforts and interest in this crucial area of research. We look
forward to working with you.
Sincerely yours,

Peggy McCardle, PhD, MPH			Gil Garcia
Associate Chief, Child Development 		Senior Research Analyst
   and Behavior Branch 				National Institute on
Education of At Risk Students
Center for Research for 				Office of
Educational Research and Improvement
   Mothers and Children				Department of Education
National Institute of Child Health
Gil_Garcia at
  and Human Development			202-219-2144
PM430 at					


8:30 am		Coffee, Registration

9:00 am		Welcome
		Gil Garcia, OERI and Peggy McCardle, NICHD

9:15 am		Overview of the DELSS Research Partnership
		Gil Garcia

9:45 am		Research Design and Methods: Experimental and
Quasi-Experimental Studies
		Dr. David Francis, University of Houston

10:45 am	BREAK

11:00 am	Qualitative Research and Combined Methods
		Dr. Georgia Garcia, University of Illinois

12:15 pm	LUNCH

1:00 pm		Biliteracy Research-There's a Lot Left to Do
		Dr. Diane August, Center for Applied Linguistics

		Grant Application Writing
		Peggy McCardle

2:30 pm		BREAK

2:45 pm		The Peer Review Process
		Dr. Larry Stanford, Division of Scientific Review, NICHD

3:15 pm		Questions & Discussion	

4:00 pm	  	ADJOURN
Meeting Location:
U.S. Department of Education
Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI)
Board Room, Lobby Level
555 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20208-5521

OERI is located near Union Station and Capitol Hill.

Note: There is NO FEE for this workshop.

For more information and registration, please contact Esther Roberts at
301-294-5607, or e-mail at eroberts at

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