(Second) call for papers: The Consequences of Mobility -- DEADLINE FOR PROPOSALS 1 JANUARY

McGinnis, Scott smcginnis at nflc.org
Fri Dec 6 14:26:07 UTC 2002

The Consequences of Mobility: Linguistic and Sociocultural Contact

Location: Roskilde, Denmark
Date: 23-May-2003 - 24-May-2003
URL: http://www.ruc.dk/isok/conference/
Contact Person: Gunilla Eriksen
Contact Email: gunilla at ruc.dk
Linguistic Subfield: Sociolinguistics

Call Deadline: 01-Jan-2003

Meeting Description:

The Research group on Sociolinguistics, Language Pedagogy and
Sociocultural issues, Department of Language and Culture, Roskilde
University, will be hosting

The Consequences of Mobility:
Linguistic and Sociocultural Contact Zones

We are delighted to announce that our invited speakers will be:
Professor Peter Auer, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitt Freiburg
Professor Lesley Milroy, University of Michigan

We suggest the following themed workshops, and invite participants to
offer papers for them and perhaps propose others as well:

1. Construction of sociocultural identities in face-to-face interaction
(Susanne Kjrbk)

2. Accents and dialects in contact: linguistic and attitudinal
consequences (Anne Fabricius)

3. Second and foreign language learning and teaching: how can we
transnational approaches aiming not only at the development of
with national cultures', but also at the development of world citizens
a multilingual and multicultural world (Karen Risager)

4. Youth language and Anglo-American subcultures in EFL Countries (Bent

5. International exchange and national language policy in higher
(Bent Preisler, Karen Sonne Jakobsen)

Language policy: The main working language of the conference will be
English. We acknowledge the paradox in conducting the conference in a
specific language, in contrast to the conference focus on issues of
multilingualism, language contact and power.

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