Research support: Alask Native Language Center Research Fund - DEADLINE 1 APRIL

sm167 Scott_G_McGINNIS at
Tue Jan 15 19:14:00 UTC 2002

Alaska Native Language Center
ANLC Research Fund

Application Deadline: April 1, 2002

For many years the Alaska Native Language Center has supported
field work and language revitalization efforts by persons working
in collaboration with the Center. The ANLC Research Fund
formalizes this process in a program designed to support applied
research in Alaska Native languages.

Supported projects must have a direct and lasting impact on
Native language documentation and/or revitalization in Alaska.
Examples may include, but are not limited to, the following:
dictionary projects; text collection and transcription;
curriculum and materials development; language planning
workshops; audio and video documentation. Grant funds are
intended to cover expenses such as travel, supplies, and
consultant fees, but not living expenses, equipment, or salary
for the applicant.

Anyone capable of carrying out language research which falls
within the scope outlined above may apply for an award. Awards
are made to individuals, though applicants may specify a
collaborator who will assist and/or consult in carrying out the
work. Collaboration with ANLC faculty is highly encouraged.

Amount and Duration of Award
Award amounts are small, typically less than $2000. Since the
award program is supported primarily by ANLC book sales, we are
unable to determine the total number of awards in advance. ANLC
encourages applicants to use ANLC Research Fund support to
leverage other sources of grant funding.

Award recipients agree to provide ANLC with a research report
(including documentation of expenses) and copies of recordings,
transcriptions and materials produced during the award period.
For projects which involve publication, recipients are encouraged
to work with ANLC Press.

Application Procedure
Submit a completed application, together with three letters of
reference, by April 1, 2002. Awards will be announced by June 1.
Applicants are encouraged to discuss their proposal in advance
with ANLC faculty and staff members. Applications can be
downloaded at

Alaska Native Language Center
University of Alaska
Box 757680
Fairbanks, AK  99775-7680
(907) 474-7874 [voice]
(907) 474-6586 [fax]
fyanlp at

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