Call for papers: Western Conference on Linguistics (special sessions include First Nations Languages) -- DEADLINE 3 MAY

Scott McGinnis smcginnis at
Wed Jan 30 15:10:18 UTC 2002

WECOL 2002
Western Conference on Linguistics

November 1-3, 2002

Abstract deadline: Friday, May 3, 2002

The Western Conference on Linguistics will be held this year at the
University of British Columbia in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada,
on November 1-3, 2002.

This year's conference will include three special sessions:
Semantics, Phonetics and First Nations Languages.

Semantics: Bill Ladusaw (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Phoneticis: John Esling (University of Victoria)
First Nations Languages: Emmon Bach (University of Massachusetts,
Amherst and University of Northern British Columbia)

Abstracts are invited from all areas of linguistics and diverse
theoretical frameworks. Presentations will be allotted 20 minutes with
an additional 10 minutes for questions and discussion. An author may
submit at most one individual and one joint abstract. In case of joint
authorship, one address should be designated for communication with
the WECOL 2002 committee.

We strongly encourage abstract submission by e-mail. Abstracts should
be sent as an attachment in PDF, Microsoft Word or Wordperfect
format. Abstracts should be no longer than one page, plus an
additional page for data and/or references. Margins should be at least
1 inch, in a typeface no smaller than 11 point. Please attach any
non-standard fonts you use in your abstract and use the subject header
"WECOL abstract + author's last name". Include all the author
information (1-8 below) in the body of the e-mail only. Do not put any
author information in the abstract itself. Electronic submissions may
be sent to WECOL at

1. Title of paper
2. Session (main session or special session)
3. For main session submissions: appropriate subfield
4. Name(s) of author(s)
5. Affiliation(s)
6. Designated author's address
7. Designated author's telephone number (optional)
8. Designated author's e-mail address

If you cannot submit your abstract by e-mail, please send 6 anonymous
copies of your abstract and a separate index card containing the
information in 1-8 above to the following address:

WECOL 2002 Committee
Department of Linguistics
University of British Columbia
E270-1866 Main Mall
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V6T 1Z1

The deadline for receipt of abstracts is 4:00pm (pacific time) Friday,
May 3, 2002. The program will be announced in late-June.

Faxed abstracts cannot be accepted.

Papers presented at the conference will be published in the WECOL 2002
Proceedings. The final deadline for camera-ready paper submission will
be announced at the conference.

Further information will be available at:

For any other questions, please contact us at: WECOL at

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