McGinnis, Scott smcginnis at nflc.org
Thu Jun 6 13:48:31 UTC 2002

Scott McGinnis
Executive Director
National Council of Organizations of Less Commonly Taught Languages
Associate, LCTLs
National Foreign Language Center
7100 Baltimore Avenue, Suite 410
College Park, MD 20740
Voice: 301-403-1750 x35       Fax: 301-403-1754
E-mail: smcginnis at nflc.org OR sm167 at umail.umd.edu
WWW: www.councilnet.org OR www.nflc.org

-----Original Message-----
From: Hsiao Liu [mailto:hliu at ncbe.gwu.edu] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 9:55 AM
Subject: NCELA NEWSLINE BULLETIN - June 4, 2002

Read this online at:



 Items in this issue:

 I. What's New at NCELA
   - 1999-2000 SEA Report
   - AskNCBE 26: What tests are available that measure the yearly academic
 progress of English language learners?
   - NCELA 101 PowerPoint Presentation

 II. News in the Nation
   - Funding Opportunities from the U.S. Department of Education
   - New Learning Resources at FREE

 III. Research, Publications, and Resources
   - Book: Language Development: A Reader for Teachers
   - Book: Scientific Research in Education
   - Book: Will the Courts Go Bi-Bi?

 IV. Education Conferences
   - Multicultural Education Forum
   - Second Annual Institute on the Assessment and Evaluation of Language
 Minority Students
   - Organization of Chinese Americans 24th Annual National Convention
   - 6th Annual CARLA Summer Institutes
   - First National Conference for Educators of Newcomer Students
   - California School Boards Association (CSBA)

 V. Education Opportunities
   - The Poetry Alive! Summer Residency Institute for Teachers
   - Toshiba America Foundation
   - Call for Papers: "Brown Plus Fifty"
   - Call for Papers: Journal of Hispanic Higher Education
   - Call for Papers: 5th Annual High Desert Linguistics Conference

 VI. Job Opportunities
   - CA: San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD)
   - DC: The Oyster Bilingual Elementary School
   - MA: Brockton Public Schools
   - DC: The George Washington University



 1999-2000 SEA Report

      The 1999-2000 "Survey of the States' Limited
      English Proficient Students and Available
      Educational Programs and Services Summary Report"
      is now available at:


 AskNCBE 26: What tests are available that measure the yearly
 academic progress of English language learners?

      AskNCBE #26, What tests are available that measure
      the yearly academic progress of English language
      learners? has been posted. To download a copy of
      this frequently asked question, visit:


 NCELA 101 PowerPoint Presentation

      An updated version of our NCELA 101 PowerPoint
      slideshow, which gives an overview of Clearinghouse
      resources, is now available at:



 Funding Opportunities from the U.S. Department of Education

 Advanced Placement Incentive (API) Program [CFDA# 84.330C]

      Purpose of Program: The API program, funded under
      section 1705 of Title I, Part G of the Elementary
      and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended by
      the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (ESEA), awards
      competitive grants designed to increase the
      successful participation of low-income students in
      pre-advanced placement and advanced placement
      courses and tests. Through increased access to and
      participation in pre-advanced placement and
      advanced placement courses and tests, the program
      provides greater opportunities for low-income
      students to achieve to high standards in English,
      mathematics, science, and other core subjects.
      Additional long-term goals of the program are to
      demonstrate that larger and more diverse groups of
      students can participate and succeed in advanced
      placement programs and to increase the numbers of
      low-income and other disadvantaged students who
      receive baccalaureate and advanced degrees.

      Eligible Applicants: (a) State educational agencies
      (SEAs); (b) local educational agencies (LEAs); or
      (c) national nonprofit educational entities with
      expertise in advanced placement services. In the
      case of an eligible entity that is an SEA, the SEA
      may use API grant funds to award subgrants to LEAs
      to enable those LEAs to carry out activities
      authorized under this program.

      Applications Available: May 23, 2002

      Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: July 8,

      Additional information is available online at:


 Advanced Placement (AP) Test Fee Program [CFDA# 84.330B]

      Purpose of Program: The AP Test Fee program
      provides grants to States to enable them to pay
      advanced placement test fees on behalf of eligible
      low-income students who (1) are enrolled in an
      advanced placement course; and (2) plan to take an
      advanced placement exam. The program is designed to
      increase the number of low-income students who take
      advanced placement tests and receive scores for
      which college academic credit is awarded. Further,
      the program seeks to increase the number of
      low-income students who achieve a baccalaureate or
      advanced degree. Therefore, through participation
      in this program, low-income students will have
      greater opportunities to achieve to higher
      standards in English, mathematics, science, and
      other core subjects.

      Eligible Applicants: State educational agencies
      (SEAs) in any State, including the District of
      Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and each
      of the outlying areas.

      Applications Available: May 23, 2002

      Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: July 8,

      Additional information is available online at:


 School Leadership Program [CFDA# 84.363A] (OESE)

      Purpose of Program: The School Leadership Program
      is designed to assist high-need local educational
      agencies (LEAs) in the development, enhancement, or
      expansion of innovative programs to recruit, train
      and mentor principals (including assistant
      principals) to serve in high-need schools.

      Eligible Applicants: High-need LEAs, consortia of
      high-need LEAs, or partnerships that consist of at
      least one high-need LEA and at least one nonprofit
      organization or institution of higher education.

      Applications Available: May 23, 2002

      Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: July 8,

      Additional information is available online at:


 Special Education -- Training and Information for Parents of
 Children with Disabilities [CFDA# 84.328M] (OSERS)

      Purpose of Program: The purpose of this program is
      to ensure that parents of children with
      disabilities receive training and information to
      help improve results for their children.

      Eligible Applicants: Parent organizations, as
      defined in section 682(g) of IDEA. A parent
      organization is a private nonprofit organization
      (other than an institution of higher education)
      that: (a) Has a board of directors, the parent and
      professional members of which are broadly
      representative of the population to be served and
      the majority of whom are parents of children with
      disabilities, that includes individuals with
      disabilities and individuals working in the fields
      of special education, related services, and early
      intervention; or (b) Has a membership that
      represents the interests of individuals with
      disabilities and has established a special
      governing board meeting the requirements for a
      board of directors in paragraph (a) under Eligible
      Applicants and has a memorandum of understanding
      between this special governing board and the board
      of directors of the organization that clearly
      outlines the relationship between the board and the
      committee and the decisionmaking responsibilities
      and authority of each.

      Applications Available: May 24, 2002

      Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: July 8,

      Additional information is available online at:


 Mentoring Programs [CFDA# 84.184B] (OESE)

      Purpose of Program: This program provides
      assistance to promote mentoring programs for
      children with greatest need that: (1) Assist these
      children in receiving support and guidance from a
      mentor; (2) improve the academic performance of the
      children; (3) improve interpersonal relationships
      between the children and their peers, teachers,
      other adults, and family members; (4) reduce the
      dropout rate of the children; and (5) reduce the
      children's juvenile delinquency and involvement in

      Eligible Applicants: (1) Local educational agencies
      (LEAs); (2) nonprofit, community-based
      organizations (CBOs), which may include faith-based
      organizations; and (3) a partnership between an LEA
      and a CBO.

      Applications Available: May 24, 2002

      Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: July 2,

      Additional information is available online at:


 Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education
 Program [CFDA# 84.206A] (OESE)

      Purpose of Program: The purpose of the Javits
      program is to carry out a coordinated program of
      scientifically based research, demonstration
      projects, innovative strategies, and similar
      activities designed to build and enhance the
      ability of elementary and secondary schools
      nationwide to meet the special educational needs of
      gifted and talented students.

      Eligible Applicants: State educational agencies,
      local educational agencies, institutions of higher
      education, other public agencies, and other private
      agencies and organizations (including Indian tribes
      and Indian organizations and Native Hawaiian
      organizations). Under the first priority in this
      competition, all of these entities are eligible to
      apply. Under the second priority, only State
      educational agencies in collaboration with one or
      more local educational agencies are eligible to

      Applications Available: May 24, 2002

      Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: July 8,

      Additional information is available online at:


 Migrant Education Even Start Program [CFDA# 84.214A] (OESE)

      Purpose of Program: The Migrant Education Even
      Start (MEES) program is designed to help break the
      cycle of poverty and improve the literacy of
      participating migratory families by integrating
      early childhood education, adult literacy or adult
      basic education (including English language
      training, as appropriate), and parenting education
      into a unified family literacy program.

      Eligible Applicants: While any entity is eligible
      to apply for a grant under the MEES program, the
      Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary
      Education specifically invites applications from
      State educational agencies (SEAs) that administer
      migrant education programs; local educational
      agencies (LEAs) that have a high percentage of
      migratory students; non-profit community-based
      organizations that work with migratory families;
      and faith-based organizations, provided that they
      meet all statutory and regulatory requirements.

      Application Available: May 28, 2002

      Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: July 5,

      The complete application is available online at:


 New Learning Resources at FREE

 Twelve new resources in the arts, health, language arts,
 social studies, and science have been added to the Federal
 Resources for Educational Excellence (FREE) website. Visit
 the site at:



 Book: Language Development: A Reader for Teachers
 By Power, B.M. and Hubbard, R.S., 2002

      This reader is designed to draw educators of
      culturally and linguistically diverse students into
      the disciplines of linguistics and anthropology.
      Through evidence based studies of language
      classrooms written by teachers, researchers and
      philosophers, the text explores how language can be
      used for genuine learning and studied to aid in
      practice and policy, includes chapters of work by
      Vgotsky, Paiget, Chomsky, and Gardner.

      To purchase a copy, visit:

      Pearson Education, Inc.

 Book: Scientific Research in Education
 By National Research Council, 2002

      With the passing of the No Child Left Behind Act of
      2001, and encouragement for evidence-based policy
      and practice in education, there is interest in
      guidance regarding the foundation and principles of
      scientific manifest in the study of education.
      Scientific Research in Education compares and
      contrasts scientific research in education and
      other fields. This publication may be useful to
      researchers and those using and evaluating research
      in education.

      To purchase a copy, visit:


 Book: Will the courts go Bi-Bi?
 By Pittman, P. and Huefner, D.S., 2001

      According to the authors, the instructional
      philosophy in the field of deaf
      education-bilingual-bicultural (bi-bi) education
      may raise new questions for courts to consider in
      interpreting the Individuals with Disabilities
      Education Act. This new and sometimes controversial
      philosophy supports the exposure to an acquisition
      of two languages--American Sign Language and
      English--in the field of deaf education. This
      article reviews past litigation concerning the
      education of children who are deaf or hard of
      hearing and explores the new language of IDEA '97
      as it affects communication issues for these
      children. Arguing that IDEA '97 and the 1999
      implementing regulations make it more difficult for
      schools to ignore the primary language and
      preferred mode of communication of children who are
      deaf, the authors speculate that courts may be less
      likely to view language and communication modes as
      educational methods and, therefore, less likely to
      defer to the decisions of school authorities than
      in past court cases.

      To purchase a copy, contact:

      The Council for Exceptional Children


 Multicultural Education Forum
 June 22, 2002
 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
 Washington, DC

      The Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Washington,
      DC (RPCVW) and the National Peace Corps Association
      (NPCA) is organizing a Multicultural Education
      Forum as part of the Peace Corps 40th Anniversary
      Conference. The Multicultural Education Forum will
      consist of a series of focus-group interviews with
      parents, teachers, and students and an interactive
      panel discussion related to intercultural
      communications within multicultural school

      For more information, contact:

      Yasmine El-Droubi
      Email: educationgroups at cs.com

 Second Annual Institute on the Assessment and Evaluation of
 Language Minority Students
 June 24-26, 2002
 The Saint Paul Hotel
 St. Paul, MN

      Sponsored by: Comprehensive Center - Region VI and
      cooperating agencies

      For more information, contact:

      Mary P. Diaz
      Tel: (651) 523-2239
      Email: ccvi at gw.hamline.edu

 Organization of Chinese Americans
 24th Annual National Convention
 "Celebrating Unity Through Diversity"
 July 25-28, 2002
 Sheraton City Centre Hotel
 Salt Lake City, UT

      For more information, contact:

      Organization of Chinese Americans
      1001 Connecticut Ave, NW, Suite 601
      Washington, DC 20036
      Tel: (202) 223-5500
      Fax: (202) 296-0540
      Email: oca at ocanatl.org

 6th Annual CARLA Summer Institutes
 July 29 - August 16, 2002
 Minneapolis, MN

      Sample Week-long sessions:

         * Developing Materials for Less Commonly Taught
         * Proficiency Oriented Language Instruction &
         * Basics of Second Language Acquisition for
         * Meeting the Challenges of Immersion Education:
         * Developing Assessments for the Second Language
         * A Practical Course in Styles & Strategies
           Based Instruction
         * Immersion 101: An Introduction to Immersion
         * Culture as the Core in the Second Language
         * Using Technology in the Second Language

      For more information, contact:

      Email: carla at tc.umn.edu
      Tel: (612) 626-8600

 First National Conference for Educators of Newcomer Students
 September 26-27, 2002
 Radisson Barceló Hotel
 Washington, D.C.

      Sponsored by:

         * Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA),
           U.S. Department of Education
         * Center for Research on Education, Diversity
           and Excellence (CREDE), Office of Educational
           Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S.
           Department of Education
         * Center for Applied Linguistics

      For more information, contact:

      Beverly Boyson
      Center for Applied Linguistics
      4646 40th Street NW
      Washington, DC 20016
      Tel: (202) 362-0700, ext. 271
      Fax: (202) 362-3740
      Email: Newcomer at cal.org

 California School Boards Association (CSBA)
 Annual Convention and Trade Show
 December 5-7, 2002
 Moscone Center
 San Francisco, CA

      For more information, contact:

      3100 Beacon Boulevard
      P.O. Box 1660
      West Sacramento, CA 95691
      Tel: (800) 266-3382
      Fax: (916) 371-3407


 The Poetry Alive! Summer Residency Institute for Teachers

      The 12th annual "Poetry Alive! Summer Residency
      Institute for Teachers" is a weeklong retreat for
      all educators. The Institute is held in Asheville,
      North Carolina. Sessions focus on poetry
      presentation, creative writing, reader response
      techniques, and community building strategies. CEU
      and graduate credit are available.

      Educators can attend one of three weeks:

         * June 16-22
         * July 7-13
         * July 14-20

      More information, including fees and online
      registration, is available at:


      For more information, contact:
      Poetry Alive! Summer
      20 Battery Park #505
      Asheville, NC 28801
      Tel: (800) 476-8172
      Fax: (828) 232-1045

 Toshiba America Foundation

      The mission of Toshiba America Foundation is to
      contribute to the quality of science and
      mathematics education in U.S. communities by
      investing in projects designed by classroom
      teachers to improve science and mathematics
      education for students in grades 7 thru 12. The
      Foundation encourages programs, projects and
      activities, which have the potential to improve
      classroom teaching in science and mathematics.

      To view the most recent grants or for more
      information, visit:


 Call for Papers: "Brown Plus Fifty"

      A new call for papers for a special issue of the TC
      Record commemorating a half-century of progress and
      disappointments in school desegregation policy is
      now accepting abstracts.

      For more information, visit:


 Call for Papers: Journal of Hispanic Higher Education

      The Journal of Hispanic Higher Education is a
      quarterly international journal devoted to the
      advancement of knowledge and understanding of
      issues at Hispanic-serving institutions. The
      journal maintains a broad focus and publishes the
      highest quality scholarly, creative and practical
      articles that combine research with application,
      fostering the integration of theory and practice.
      The journal publishes both quantitative and
      qualitative articles that specifically relate to
      issues of interest at Hispanic-serving institutions
      of higher learning worldwide. The journal is
      particularly interested in research whose
      significance crosses both cultural and disciplinary

      Journal Guidelines:

         * Manuscripts must be submitted in English in
           quadruplicate-one original and three copies
           with authors' names appearing on the cover
           page only;
         * All copies are to be submitted on 8 ½"×11"
           paper with 1½" margins;
         * All copy, including captions, footnotes,
           tables, and references must be typed
           double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman
         * Style should conform to the Publication Manual
           of the American Psychological Association (5th
         * If appropriate, publication guidelines
           predominately used in the authors' field or
           discipline are permitted;
         * An abstract of no more than 75 words must
           accompany each submission;
         * The abstract should be placed on a separate
           page immediately after the title page;
         * All figures, tables, charts, and other artwork
           should appear at the end of the manuscript and
           must be cited in the text with appropriate
           descriptive headings;
         * All artwork must be submitted in camera-ready
         * When possible, electronic copies of artwork
           should be provided on a file separate from the

           Submissions should be sent to:

           Michael William Mulnix, Ph.D.
           Journal of Hispanic Higher Education
           University of the Incarnate Word
           4301 Broadway, CPO 387
           San Antonio, TX 78209
           Email: JHHE at universe.uiwtx.edu

           See a sample issue at:


 Call for Papers: 5th Annual High Desert Linguistics

      The fifth annual High Desert Linguistics Conference
      will be held at the University of New Mexico,
      Albuquerque, NM, on November 1-2, 2002.

      The conference invites submission of proposals for
      20-minute talks with 10-minute discussion sessions
      in any area of linguistics from any theoretical
      perspective. Papers in the following areas are
      especially welcome:

         * Evolution of language;
         * Language change and variation;
         * Grammaticization;
         * Applied linguistics;
         * Sociolinguistics;
         * Researching Metaphor and Metonymy;
         * Signed languages;
         * Native American languages;
         * Computational linguistics.

      The call for papers can be found at:


      In addition, the guidelines for abstracts can be
      found at:


      The deadline for submitting abstracts is August 2,
      2002 and the acceptance and notification date will
      be August 19th, 2002.

      For more information, contact:

      Christopher Shank
      Email: chrc at unm.edu
      Gabe Waters
      Email: watersg at unm.edu


 Korean Bilingual Teachers
 Korean Two-Way Immersion Program
 San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD)
 San Francisco, CA

      The Korean Two-Way Immersion Program in the San
      Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) seeks
      elementary Korean bilingual teachers, preferably
      with a BCLAD credential. This program is designed
      to help linguistically diverse as well as
      mainstream students effectively develop fluency and
      literacy in a second language.

      If interested, contact:

      Melanie Hahn
      Email: melhahn at earthlink.net
      Tel: (415) 469-4000 ext. 3018

 The Oyster Bilingual Elementary School
 Washington, DC

      The Oyster Bilingual Education School, a dual
      language school in
      Washington, DC is seeking applicants for the
      following positions:

         * Spanish Dominant Classroom Teacher
         * English Dominant Classroom Teacher
         * Bilingual Music Teacher

      If interested, submit a resume to:

      Arturo Flores, Principal
      Fax: (202) 671-3087

      For more information, contact:

      Arturo Flores, Principal or
      Gloria Rodriguez, Asst. Principal
      Tel: (202) 671-3111

 Brockton Public Schools
 Brockton, MA

         * Bilingual (Spanish) Special Education at
           Elementary, grades 1-6
         * Cape Verdean Bilingual, Elementary, grades
           1-6, (2) positions
         * Cape Verdean Bilingual, High School, grades
         * Haitian Bilingual, Junior High School, grades
           7 and 8

      All positions are full time classroom teaching
      positions, available beginning September 3, 2002.

      Candidates should be certified in Transitional
      Bilingual Education or be eligible for
      certification through the Massachusetts Department
      of Education.

      If interested, fax a letter of intent and resume

      Elisa Martineu
      Human Resources Office
      Brockton Public Schools
      Fax: (508) 580-7091

 Research Assistant
 HEATH Resource Center
 National Clearinghouse for Postsecondary Education for
 Individuals with Disabilities
 The George Washington University (GW)
 Graduate School of Education & Human Development
 Washington, DC

      Applications will be reviewed until position is
      filled. Duties and responsibilities include, but
      are not limited to the following:

         * Manages daily dissemination of information for
           GW HEATH, including mailed inquiry responses,
           e-mails, and phone inquiries;
         * Proactive dissemination of materials for
           meetings and conferences as requested by
           project staff;
         * Codes mail, phone and e-mail inquiries and
           routes incoming mail to topical staff
         * Supports the publication manager and webmaster
           in posting up-to-date information on the GW
           HEATH web page;
         * Transmits publications and maintains file of
           publication transmittals to:
              o Department of Education Project Offices
              o ERIC system
              o Collaboration partners
              o Internal and external advisory board
              o Others as indicated by the GW HEATH staff
         * Assembles and packages larger orders of GW
           HEATH materials for shipment;
         * Uses in-house databases to query for
           information, track checks for cost recovery
           materials and inventory control;
         * Handles telephone and walk-in inquiries;
         * Assists in coordinating meeting logistics;
         * Establishes and maintains GW HEATH resource
         * Provides administrative support to the GW
           HEATH staff.

      If interested, send resume and cover letter to:

      Dr. Pamela M. Ekpone, Director
      2121 K Street, NW, Suite 220
      Washington, DC 20037
      Fax: (202) 973-0908


 Subscribe/Unsubscribe to NEWSLINE at:

 NCELA NEWSLINE BULLETIN is a publication of The National Clearinghouse for
 English Language Acquisition & Language Instruction Educational Programs
 (formerly NCBE) at The George Washington University:
 2121 K Street, NW, Suite 260
 Washington, DC 20037

 For inquiries about the content of the NCELA NEWSLINE BULLETIN or to submit
 information for inclusion, please contact Ms. Hsiao Liu at:
hliu at ncbe.gwu.edu

 NCELA Newsline/Outlook Home: http://www.ncbe.gwu.edu/newsline/


 If you have questions about NCELA or the education of linguistically and
 culturally diverse students, send email to: askncbe at ncbe.gwu.edu

 Visit NCELA on the Web at: http://www.ncbe.gwu.edu


 The National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition & Language
 Instruction Educational Programs (NCELA, formerly NCBE) is funded by the
 Department of Education's Office of English Language Acquisition, Language
 Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for Limited English Proficient
 (OELA, formerly OBEMLA) and is operated under Contract No. ED-00-CO-0113 by
 George Washington University, Graduate School of Education and Human
 Development, Center for the Study of Language and Education. The contents
 this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the
 Department of Education nor does the mention of trade names, commercial
 products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. government.
Readers are
 free to duplicate and use these materials in keeping with accepted
 standards. NCELA requests that proper credit be given in the event of


Ms. Hsiao Liu
Research Associate
The National Clearinghouse for English
Language Acquisition & Language Instruction Educational Programs
The George Washington University
2121 K Street, NW, Suite 260
Washington, DC 20037
Phone:    202-467-0867 x104
Fax:      202-467-4283
hliu at ncbe.gwu.edu

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