Book: Central & South American Indian languages
Scott_G_McGINNIS at
Sun Mar 3 02:57:00 UTC 2002
Manual de las lenguas indgenas sudamericanas I & II
(Handbook of South-American Indian Languages)
The handbook presents data about 428 contemporary indigenous
languages/ethnic groups of South and Central America from onduras to
Tierra del Fuego, in the form of dictionary entries arranged according
to linguistic groups. After an introduction discussing problems of
linguistic grouping and ethnic status of population groups follows a
general bibliography of more than 4500 titles, general maps of the
countries mentioned, a cross-referenced index of about 3200 names of
ethnic groups/subgroups, languages, and varieties. Each entry of the
dictionary contains: (1) precise geographical locations, (2) name(s)
under which the ethnolinguistic groups are known in the literature,
including some considered nowadays obsolete but found in older
sources, (3) own name(s) whenever known, (4) number of speakers of the
language and/or ethnic group, (5) bibliography of the group, including
ethnology, linguistics, ethnohistory and legal rights, (6)
observations concerning ethnohistory, linguistic and/or ethnical
grouping, including many moot points and first hand observations
obtained in personal communications from experienced field workers,
anthropologists and linguists. [written in Spanish].
El libro incluye datos acerca de 428 grupos tnicos/lingsticos
indgenas sudamericanos actuales, desde Honduras hasta Tierra del
Fuego, en forma entradas ordenadas por familias lingsticas. Despus
de una introduccin en la se discuten brevemente problemas de
pertenencia lingstica y tnica de las poblaciones referidas sigue
una bibliografa general de unas 4500 entradas, mapas de los pases
con poblacin indgena, un ndice con referencias cruzadas de unos
3200 nombres de grupos y subgrupos lingsticos y tnicos. Cada
entrada del diccionario contiene (1) localizacin geogrfica
detallada, (2) nombre(s) del grupo y subgrupos cuando se conoce, (4)
nmero de hablantes y/o de los integrantes del grupo tnico, (5)
bibliografa de la poblacin presentada con temas de etnologa,
lingstica, ethnohistoria y derechos humanos, (6) obserservaciones
diversas elativas a la etnohistoria, subdivisiones tnicas y/o
lingsticas, hacendo hincapi en numerosos puntos debatidos que
aparecen en la literatura referente al grupo tnico, as como datos de
primera mano obtenidos en comunicaciones particulares con antroplogos
y lingistas con slida experiencia en el terreno.
Vol. I. ISBN 3 89586 201 0. LINCOM Handbooks in Linguistics 04. 672 pp.
USD 86 / 76.50 / 56.
Vol. II. ISBN 3 89586 202 9. LINCOM Handbooks in Linguistics 05. 667
pp. USD 86 / 76.50 / 56. (2nd printing).
Ordering information for individuals: Please give us your creditcard
no. / expiry date. Prices in this information include shipment
worldwide by airmail. A standing order for this series is available
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