Request for assistance: Sweet Grass Cree data

sm167 Scott_G_McGINNIS at
Sat Jun 19 18:58:00 UTC 2004

Dear colleagues,

I wonder if you know anybody who knows the language of Sweet Grass Cree
Indians of Canada? Is it agglutinating or incorporating? I'd like to compute
its phonemic frequencies of occurrence. I wonder if phonemic occurrence of
labials, velars, sonorants, fricatives, voiced, etc.were computed? Where
were the results of the calculations published?  I guess the sound picture
of a language may depend on the morphologic type of this language? I never
read if corpora linguists studied it. Did they? I need some more Sweet Grass
Cree texts in the electronic form to compare with my results of computation.
Do you know who could send me such a text?

Looking forward to hearing from you soon to yutamb at
                  Yours sincerely,
                  Yuri Tambovtsev
                  Novosibirsk, Russia

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