[HERITAGE-LIST] Request for assistance: Proposed opinion piece RE: immigration debate

Scott G. McGINNIS smcginni at UMD.EDU
Wed Apr 12 15:54:27 UTC 2006

Hola a todos, 

I'm thinking of writing an opinion piece (not sure for where 
or for whom yet!!) on what we as language teachers could and 
should be doing to stem the linguistic and cultural racism 
that is underlying the immigration debate. 

I don't want to deal with the legal vs. illegal immigration 
issue, but I do want to address the fact that our country is 
enriched by all the language and cultures that are here, and 
that we should celebrate them and use them as resources to 
expand our own learning and our own experiences. 

It's getting harder and harder for me to just sit by while I 
see some of this xenophobia reflected in the news, and 
obviously it ultimately affects us and our students. 

Any comments anyone would like to make? And if so, can I 
quote you when I write the article? If you prefer to reply 
offline, you can e-mail me at rkunstadter at yahoo.com. 


Ruth Kunstadter
rkunstadter at yahoo.com

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