[HERITAGE-LIST] Workshop: National Language Service Corps (NLSC) Workshop at ACTFL 2008

Scott G. McGINNIS smcginni at UMD.EDU
Fri Oct 17 19:21:37 UTC 2008

National Language Service Corps Workshop at ACTFL 2008
The National Language Service Corps invites you to attend a workshop, “Language that Builds Bridges – About the NLSC.” The workshop will be held at ACTFL's Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida. There are two sessions: Friday, November 21st, from 3:00 to 3:50, and Saturday, November 22nd, from 4:00- 4:50. There is no workshop fee.
The National Language Service Corps is a public organization made up of on-call bilingual volunteers, just like you, willing to offer their diverse language expertise to help their communities and the government. When called upon, NLSC volunteers have the opportunity to assist in activities such as health services, logistics, engineering, and disaster relief both inside and outside the United States.

As a first-of-its-kind organization, the NLSC, authorized by Congress in 2006, signifies a vital new approach to addressing the nation’s need for involving people with highly developed language skills. Under the NLSC Pilot Program, we are recruiting diverse volunteers with language skills in Mandarin, Hindi, Hausa, Indonesian, Marshallese, Russian, Somali, Swahili, Thai, and Vietnamese.

Charter Members must be US Citizens, at least 18 years old, fluent in English and one of the languages of the NLSC Pilot, and must have a strong motivation to serve.

We invite you to this workshop to learn how we connect service minded individuals who menace the power of communication and envision helping their communities while doing a greater human good. 

For more information on the workshop, contact:  Bill Rivers, wrivers at nlscorps.org

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