Scott G. McGINNIS smcginni at UMD.EDU
Thu May 13 00:40:14 UTC 2010

Speaking in Tongues:

A tool for raising awareness about the value of bilingualism

In cities across the country, the award-winning documentary Speaking in Tongues is offering advocates a powerful tool for putting a human face on the benefits of bilingualism. As one attests, “Speaking in Tongues has strengthened our commitment to community education... [and] has lovingly reminded our teachers that they are not an island, that they are doing great and important work for both the English- and Spanish-speaking communities.”

The film follows four diverse students on their challenging and remarkable journey to become bilingual: a first-generation Mexican-American whose immigrant family embraces bilingualism as the key to full participation in the land of opportunity; an African-American kindergartner whose mom hopes that Mandarin will be his ticket to a brighter economic future; a Chinese-American recapturing the Cantonese her parents sacrificed to become American; and a Caucasian eighth-grader eager to expand his horizons.

This fall, when the film broadcasts on PBS, there are additional opportunities to raise the profile of language issues by hosting Town Hall or house party screenings in conjunction with your city’s broadcast of the film. For more information, please see the film’s website at: www.speakingintonguesfilm.info. 

In one community, screening Speaking in Tongues jumpstarted a petition for a dual-language program.  In another, it’s part of a neighbor-to-neighbor campaign to address a rift between Spanish- and English-speaking families. In a third, it is a key tool in a campaign to recruit well-trained teachers, and educate both teachers and parents about the value of second-language skills. In Belmont, California, every school board member was given a copy to screen in advance of voting to open the district’s first dual-language school. In Hoboken, New Jersey, the film is helping to recruit diverse families into language programs.

In Seattle, a consortium of educators and parents worked with a local independent movie theater to create a sold out screening and community panel adiscussion bout local language issues. They even arranged for teachers to receive continuing education credit for attending. 

There is a free guide to hosting a community event at: www.speakingintonguesfilm.info.

You can also watch the 2 minute film trailer there, access additional video materials and a host of other resources for educators, parents, and advocates. 
SPEAKING IN TONGUES -- 4 kids, 4 languages, 1 city, 1 world
Watch the trailer: www.speakingintonguesfilm.info
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ken at patchworksfilms.net
marcia at patchworksfilms.net

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