[HERITAGE-LIST] Call for Participants - Guatemalan-American Heritage Spanish Speakers
Dianna M. Gonzalez
diannag at NMSU.EDU
Fri Jun 8 22:37:23 UTC 2012
Dear All,
My name is Dianna Marisol González and I am a doctoral candidate in the
Counseling Psychology PhD Program at New Mexico State University. I am
emailing to request your assistance in my efforts to recruit participants
for my dissertation study exploring the role of speaking Spanish and
English for Guatemalan-Americans.
The purpose of the study is to explore the role of being bilingual for
Guatemalan-Americans. Criteria participation for this study is as follows:
a) born in Southern California to at least one (1) Guatemalan-born parent,
b) raised speaking Spanish at home, English at school and, c) must be 18 or
older. Participants will be asked to participate in two semi-structured
interviews, which are expected to last about one hour each. Interviews can
be conducted via telephone or face to face. Participants will be
compensated $10.00 for their participation in each 1-hour interview or a
$20 dollar gift card for both interviews.
Interested parties are requested to contact me at diannag at nmsu.edu in order
to schedule an interview. Participation in this study is completely
voluntary and you may withdraw at any time. The current study is being
conducted by Dianna M. González, EdM and under the guidance of Jonathan
Schwartz, PhD. We both can be contacted at diannag at nmsu.edu or
jschwart at ad.nmsu.edu respectively. This study has been approved by NMSU’s
IRB and can be confirmed by the following IRB number: 7455.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at
diannag at nmsu.edu. If you have any questions about your rights as a research
subject, please contact the Institutional Review Board (IRB) Chair or Vice
President of Research, through the Office of Compliance at New Mexico State
University at (575) 646-7177 or at *ovpr at nmsu.edu.*
Thank you.
Dianna Marisol González, EdM
Counseling Psychology Doctoral Candidate
New Mexico State University
Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology
(310) 916-9185
diannag at nmsu.edu
Jonathan Schwartz, PhD
Counseling & Educational Psychology
(575) 646-4098
jschwart at nmsu.edu
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