[HERITAGE-LIST] Inquiry: German HL students issue

Scott G. McGinnis smcginni at umd.edu
Fri Oct 4 02:26:46 UTC 2013

DO NOT HIT "REPLY" TO RESPOND TO THIS MESSAGE!! Contact the originator, Melanie Mello, directly at mmello at saintjoehigh.com<mailto:mmello at saintjoehigh.com>

From: MelanieM [mmello at saintjoehigh.com<mailto:mmello at saintjoehigh.com>]
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2013 9:19 PM

I am a native German German teacher in South Bend, Indiana. Every other year, I am faced with the challenge to instruct German heritage speakers in German, and I am not real sure how to do it well enough. In addition, I have four children of my own. I speak German 80% of the time to them. They can understand everything I say but refuse to speak German back in complete sentences.  This is the reasons why I would like to be included in the listserve.

Also, if you could tell me where I can find resources with regards to teaching German effectively to heritage speakers, I would be very grateful.

Melanie Mello

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