[Fwd: PostDoctoral Fellowships on Greek in diaspora]

Claire Bowern bowern at rice.edu
Fri Jun 29 13:21:48 UTC 2007

Research Fellowships On Greek Grammar In Diaspora

Two three-year Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships are available, for
studying how the grammar of Modern Greek has changed within two
immigrant communities. One Research Fellow will study Greek as spoken
within multicultural situations in Australia, while the other will work
on Greek as spoken in a South American country. The Fellowships are to
be held at the Research Centre for Linguistic Typology, in association
with the National Centre for Hellenic Studies and Research, both located
at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia.
	The positions are available from 1st January 2008.
	The Research Centre for Linguistic Typology is concerned with
language description and with language contact situations. It has about
20 members (PhD students, Post-Doctoral Research Fellows and Visiting
Fellows), working on a range of languages and language contact
situations from across the world. The successful applicants will work
closely with Professor Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald (Associate Director),
Professor R. M. W. Dixon (Director) and Professor Peter Trudgill
(Adjunct Professor).
	The National Centre for Hellenic Studies and Research, whose
Director is Professor Anastasios M. Tamis, is concerned with research on
Greek language and culture in Australia, and their maintenance. The
Research Fellows will also interact with the members of the The National
Centre for Hellenic Studies and Research and with Professor Michael J.
Osborne, Distinguished Professor at La Trobe University and former
Vice-Chancellor of this University.
	Further information about RCLT and about NCHSR is available from
the respective websites: www.latrobe.edu.au/rclt and
	Applicants should have a thorough training in modern
linguistics, and have native-like competence in Modern Greek. The
applicant for the position involving South America should have a working
knowledge of Spanish or Portuguese.
	Applicants should normally have been awarded their doctorate
within the last five years. The University may consider cases in which
the period is in excess of five years due to special circumstances.
Applications will be considered from candidates whose thesis is
currently under examination.  Applicants must hold a doctoral degree or
have equivalent qualifications at the date of appointment.  A Fellowship
will not normally be awarded to an applicant who already holds an
appointment within the University.
	The Positions will be full-time, fixed-term (three years) at
Academic Level A6, with the commencing remuneration package $65,610 to
$70,427 per annum, which includes 17% employer superannuation.
	Applications close on Friday 28th September 2007. Applicants
should supply an up-to-date CV together with the names and contact
details of three academic referees. The Selection Committee will contact
the referees as appropriate.
	Before making a formal application, potential applicants are
invited to communicate with Professor Alexandra Aikhenvald at
a.aikhenvald at latrobe.edu.au.

Professor Alexandra Aikhenvald, PhD, DLitt, FAHA
Associate Director and Postgraduate Coordinator
Research Centre for Linguistic Typology
La Trobe University
Victoria 3086
Tel: 61-(0)3-9479 6402
Fax: 61-(0)3-9467 3053

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