Fascinating historical site

Claire Bowern bowern at rice.edu
Fri Feb 8 20:26:26 UTC 2008

The reason it's a "secret" is that it's still in beta testing at the 
moment. There will be an announcement when testing is complete and more 
trees are uploaded. Glad you like it!
~Claire (who's on the advisory board for the project)

Logan Merrill wrote:
> Have any of you had a look at the online library of historical 
> hypotheses that LinguistList is building? 
> The weird thing is I've never seen it advertised anywhere:  LL seems to 
> be sort of keeping it a secret.
> I stumbled across it in Google, and it really has the most amazing 
> interface I've ever seen for
> displaying family trees.  I couldn't stop playing with it.  It looks 
> like it's part of an NSF project,
> and it's far from finished, but they have hundreds of trees in it 
> already, and apparently the aim is to
> have every single tree-based hypothesis in the database eventually, even 
> those we all love to hate.
> That's a pretty ambitious project.  The interface is at the URL:
> http://linguistlist.org/multitree/
> Don't forget to click on options in the upper right corner.  It's fun!
> Logan.
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