Second Call for Papers: Reconstructing Alignment Systems

Thomas Smitherman Thomas.Smitherman at
Sat Nov 15 11:50:39 UTC 2008

*******SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS*********

Workshop:  Reconstructing Alignment Systems

14-15 May, 2009

University of Bergen, Norway

Invited Speakers:
Alice Harris (Stony Brook University) Geoffrey Haig (University of Kiel)

Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 December, 2008
Workshop URL:
Address Abstract to: Thomas.Smitherman at

    The aim of this workshop is to gather researchers working on  
alignment systems in an historical perspective, in order to brainstorm  
on how alignment systems can be reconstructed for earlier stages of a  
language or a language family. We welcome abstracts on well-studied  
language families like Indo-European, abstracts on oral languages  
without a recorded history, and everything in between, aiming to  
highlight different kinds of reconstruction problems. We also welcome  
papers on changes in alignment systems, papers addressing the issue of  
how different theoretical frameworks can contribute to reconstruction,  
as well as papers concerned with the more general implications of  
alignment changes for diachronic typology.

    Please send a one page abstract in pdf format to Thomas Smitherman  
(Thomas.Smitherman at no later than December 1st. Notification of  
acceptance will besent out on December 15th.

    The workshop is hosted by the University of Bergen and the  
research team of the project, Indo-European Case and Argument  
Structure from a Typological Perspective (IECASTP):


University of Bergen
Vilvite Bergen Vitensenter AS (Auditorium)
Thormøhlengate 51
5006 Bergen
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