Invitation to join Yahgan-Salishan discussion at Yahoo Groups

jess tauber phonosemantics at
Fri May 1 20:22:25 UTC 2009

All memberships and posts moderated. Here is another comparison (text mostly copied from latest message to Waata Chis):

Kuipers' Proto-Salish on
pg. 89 of the etymological dictionary has:

*q'ap'XW/xw (hazel)nut

Comox q'vpXWay? unid. tree w. strong wood
q'vpxwim (poss. q'vp'xwim/q'vp'k'wim) make crunching noise
q'vpxwi?qw (poss. q'vpXWi?qw) edible cartilage in salmon's nose

Sechelt q'vp'aXW

Squamish q'p'aXW

Cowichan p'q'waXW (inversion)

Nooksack q'p'uxw

Saanich qwp'aXW ((w err. for ' ?)

Lushootseed q'ap'uXW/q'p'uXW

Twana q'ap'uXW

Chehalis k'ap'uXW

Lillooet q'ap'XW

Thompson q'apuxw

Shuswap qep'XW

Columbia q'ap'xwa?

Colville q'ip'xwa?

Spokane q'ep'xwe?

Coeur d'Alene q'ip'xwe?

Kalispel q'e:p'exw sound of st. hard that cracks when you unexpectedly bite on
it, eg. stone in bread.

Yahgan (adapted from HG1933) has apauusha/ ipauusha 'gristly parts in the
joints' (also skin covering the gums).

Forms in Salishan with plain uvular stops commonly seem to have comparable
Yahgan forms lacking the stop, but often with a y- or high front vowel, sometimes a velar replacing
it. Yahgan has no uvulars (or for that matter glottalized series).

Jess Tauber
phonosemantics at

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