questions and information about Campbell's Historical Linguistics textbook

Lyle Campbell lyle.campbell at
Wed Mar 24 20:45:14 UTC 2010


I write with some information and questions about my textbook:

Campbell, Lyle. 2004. Historical Linguistics:  an Introduction. (2nd 
edition; 1st edition, 1998). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 
and Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

I had hoped that a new printing could correct several typos, etc., 
but instead a new, third edition has been asked for, to be completed 
within the year. Therefore, let me offer a list of the corrections I 
am aware of, while I also ask for advise concerning the new edition.  
Since a number of the symbols and diacritics in the corrections will 
not come out correctly in email, I won't try to send them here in 
this message, but will be happy to send a pdf file of the corrections 
(where they will be clear) to anyone who might want them. Just send 
me a message requesting these at:  lyle.campbell at

Some questions about the new edition are:

(1) Are there topics/themes that you believe should be added to the 
book? (I plan to add the equivalent of about 1 to 1 1/2 chapters of 
new material that I have in mind currently, though I must think it 
through in more detail before decisions are made.) (I should mention 
that I will do my best to take all suggestions into account, though 
conflicting advice, considerations of length, and suitability for an 
introduction may be limiting factors.)

(2) Is there anything in the book you believe should be taken out?

(3) Do you know of any other corrections (in addition to those I 
already have, in the pdf file that I am happy to send out) that 
should be made?  If so, could you please send them to me?

(4) Many have asked for answers/solutions/a key to the exercises. The 
current tentative plan for the new edition is to provide sample 
answers, published at the end of the book. The question is, do you 
think that is a good idea, or do you have other recommendations? 
(There does not seem to be any practical way to publish answers so 
that they are available only to instructors and not publicly 
available to students.)

(5) Do you have any answers of your own that you may have written up 
to any of the exercises in the book?, and if so, would you be willing 
to share them?
(I currently have sample answers in written form for about 1/3 of the 
exercises, which I am willing to share with anyone who would like to 
request them.)

Please send replies to me at lyle.campbell at

Many thanks in advance,
Lyle Campbell


Dr. Lyle Campbell,
Professor of Linguistics, Director, Center for American Indian Languages
Dept. of Linguistics, University of Utah, LNCO 2300
255 S. Central Campus Drive,
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112-0492 USA 
Tel. 801-581-3441 (my Ling. office), 801-587-0716 (my CAIL office)
801-581-8047 (Dept. of Linguistics), 801-587-0720 (CAIL), Fax 801-585-7351
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