New publication
Silvia Luraghi
luraghi at
Thu Sep 9 07:39:58 UTC 2010
>(Apologies for cross-posting)
Dear Colleagues,
Vit Bubenik and I are happy to announce the publication of a new book:
Continuum Companion to Historical Linguistics
Editors: Silvia Luraghi and Vit Bubenik
Publisher: Continuum
Date of publication: 2010
Table of contents:
Editor’s Introduction \ 1. Historical
linguistics: history, sources and resources
Silvia Luraghi and Vit Bubenik \ Part I:
Methodology \ 2. Sound change and the comparative
method: the science of historical reconstruction
John Hewson \ 3. Internal reconstruction Brian D.
Joseph \ 4. Typology and universals Hans H. Hock\
5. Internal language classification Søren
Wichmann \ Part II: Phonological change \ 6.
Segmental phonological change Joe Salmons \ 7.
Suprasegmental and prosodic historical phonology
Hans H. Hock \ Part III: Morphological and
Grammatical change \ 8. From morphologization to
demorphologization Henning Andersen \ 9.
Analogical change Livio Gaeta\ 10. Change in
grammatical categories Vit Bubenik Part IV:
Syntactic change \ 11. Word order Jan Terje
Faarlund \ 12. The rise (and possible downfall)
of configurationality Silvia Luraghi \ 13.
Subordination Dorothy Disterheft and Carlotta
Viti \ 14. Alignment Geoffrey Haig \ Part V:
Semantico-Pragmatic Change \ 15. Semantic change
Eugenio R. Luján\ 16. Etymology Thomas Krisch \
17. Grammaticalization Elizabeth Closs
Traugott \ Part VI: Explanation of Language
Change \ 18. Language contact Bridget Drinka\ 19.
Regional and social dialectology J. K. Chambers\
20. Causes of language change Silvia Luraghi \
Notes \ Glossary: A-Z Historical Linguistics \
References \ Notes on Contributors \ Index
Silvia Luraghi
Dipartimento di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata
Università di Pavia
Strada Nuova 65
I-27100 Pavia
telef.: +39-0382-984685
fax: +39-0382-984487
silvia.luraghi at
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