Front rounded vowel question

Peter Trudgill peter.trudgill at
Fri Mar 25 11:52:00 UTC 2011

The question was about which languages had LOST 
font rounded vowels, not which languages curently 
have them, I thought.

At 11:46 +0100 25/3/11, Hewitt, Stephen wrote:
>Sorry, not strictly true about Icelandic, even 
>if historic <y> /y/ and <ö> /ø/ are now <y> /?/ 
>and <æ> /ai/. However, there are still front 
>rounded vowels (admittedly of different origin) 
>in the phoneme inventory:
>Best regards
>Steve Hewitt
>30 rue Charles Baudelaire
>75012 PARIS
>+00.33/-0 work
>+00.33/-0 home
>+00.33/-0 mobile
>s.hewitt at
>From: Peter Trudgill [mailto:peter.trudgill at]
>Sent: Friday, March 25, 2011 9:04 AM
>To: histling-l
>Subject: Re: [Histling-l] Front rounded vowel question
>Greek and Icelandic are other languages which 
>used to have front rounded vowels and no longer 
>At 06:01 +0100 25/3/11, E-Ching Ng wrote:
>>Dear all,
>>I'm looking for languages which lost front 
>>rounded vowels, e.g. German /y/ > Yiddish /i/. 
>>So far I've got Old > Middle English, OHG > 
>>Yiddish, French > creoles. If you know of other 
>>languages with front rounded vowels and 
>>descendants, I would be very grateful. I will 
>>of course post a summary to the list.
>>E-Ching Ng
>>Department of Linguistics, Yale University
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>Peter Trudgill  FBA
>Prof. of Sociolinguistics, Agder Univ., N
>Adjunct Prof., RCLT, La Trobe Univ., AU
>Prof. Emeritus of Eng. Linguistics, Fribourg Univ, CH
>Hon. Prof. of Sociolinguistics, UEA, Norwich, UK
>Forthcoming book: Sociolinguistic typology: 
>social determinants of linguistic structure and 
>complexity. OUP Oct/Nov 2011.


Peter Trudgill  FBA
Prof. of Sociolinguistics, Agder Univ., N
Adjunct Prof., RCLT, La Trobe Univ., AU
Prof. Emeritus of Eng. Linguistics, Fribourg Univ, CH
Hon. Prof. of Sociolinguistics, UEA, Norwich, UK

Forthcoming book: Sociolinguistic typology: 
social determinants of linguistic structure and 
complexity. OUP Oct/Nov 2011.
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