job announcement: post-doc in Pavia
Silvia Luraghi
luraghi at
Sat May 19 18:26:16 UTC 2012
Research Fellow in Linguistics
Department of Humanities, University of Pavia (Italy)
The Department of Humanities, University of
Pavia, invites applications for a full-time,
fixed term Research Fellow position on the
project Argument Structure in Texts A Typological
and Diachronic Research [Argumentstruktur in
Texten. Typologische und diachrone
Korpusuntersuchungen ]' funded by the Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung.
The project aims to compare argument structure in
typologically different languages, and to develop
tools for a quantitative analysis of the data
regarding argument structure. It is part of a
joint venture with the University of Erfurt. The
part of the project to be developed in Pavia
consists in extending computational resources for
Ancient Greek in collaboration with other
existing projects, and carrying out the
statistical evaluation of the data. In particular, current goals include:
1. Expanding the Ancient Greek Treebank made
available by the long-term project Perseus.
2. Acquiring other Treebanks by converting them
into the Perseus standard of annotation
3. Studying the frequency and distribution of
argument structure patterns through time (from Homer to the New Testament).
The web page of the project is at:
The successful candidate should hold a PhD.
Thorough understanding of the Ancient Greek
language, as well as basic knowledge of German
and Italian are required, as well as some
experience with natural language processing
techniques and possibly some practical experience
with annotation. There may also be an opportunity
to collaborate with the Department’s staff as
teaching assistant, if this is jointly considered desirable.
The start date will be 01 September 2012. The
post is available for up to two years. The salary
for the first year is 19,367.00 Euros.
Informal enquiries about this position should be
made to Prof. Silvia Luraghi (<mailto:keller at>luraghi at
The full anouncement and the application form can be downloaded at:
(Fluency in Italian is not a requirement,
nevertheless the application must be written in Italian.)
Deadline for application: 14 June 2011 (the
application must be received by the
administrative office at the University of Pavia by this date).
Silvia Luraghi
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Sezione di Linguistica
Università di Pavia
Strada Nuova 65
I-27100 Pavia
telef.: +39-0382-984685
fax: +39-0382-984487
silvia.luraghi at
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