New Journal for Ibero-Romance Historical Corpora

Andres Enrique andres.enrique at
Mon Oct 8 20:58:35 UTC 2012

Scriptum Digital is a free access electronic journal devoted to disseminate quality research on theoretical and methodological aspects related to diachronic corpora and digital edition in the Ibero-Romance languages ​​(textual databases, corpus design, data mining, philological aspects of corpus design and digital edition, corpus based linguistic studies, etc..). The journal does not favor any theoretical or methodological approach in particular.

The articles published in Scriptum Digital are selected through a peer review, double blind evaluation process. The languages ​​of publication are all the Ibero-Romance languages plus English. Currently Scriptum Digital has a periodicity of one number per year.

We invite to submit articles and proposals for reviews to be considered for publication in the number 2 (2013).

For information on style sheet, scientific committee, editorial standards, contact information and to consult the published numbers see the journal’s website at




Andrés Enrique-Arias

Professor Titular d'Universitat


Universitat de les Illes Balears

Edifici Ramon Llull

Cra de Valldemossa Km 7,5

E-07122 Palma de Mallorca (Balears)

Tel. +34 971-172363

Fax +34 971-173473



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