Diachronic Corpora and Language Change Workshop at ICHL21

Miriam Bouzouita Miriam.Bouzouita at UGent.be
Fri Jan 11 17:17:36 UTC 2013

Full Title of Workshop: Diachronic Corpora and Language Change

Date: 05-Aug-2013
Location: Oslo, Norway
Contact Person: Thorhallur Eythorsson
Meeting Email: tolli at hi.is
Web Site: 

Linguistic Field(s): Historical Linguistics; Text/Corpus Linguistics

Call Deadline: 01-Feb-2013

Meeting Description:
At the 21st International Conference of Historical Linguistics (ICHL21), 
Oslo, there will be a full-day workshop entitled Diachronic Corpora and 
Language Change.

There are currently several large-scale databases of historical texts 
being developed, aiming at a linguistic analysis of a great variety of 
text corpora. These databases are annotated for linguistic information 
(primarily morphology and syntax) and provide unique resources for 
eResearch into older languages. A number of the projects form a network 
of partner projects, with well-established ties which are being 
consolidated further in within the Diachronic Syntax Corpora 
(DiaSynCorp) network (T. Eythórsson, PI).

The databases that have been developed in these projects enable an 
integrated search involving different factors from several modules. 
Typically, they are searchable in terms of syntax and morphology, but 
the PROIEL project in Oslo (and its sister project ISWOC) includes 
information structure as well. Outside the PROIEL project there are 
other groups interested in using the paralllel corpora provided by Bible 
translations, such as the Biblia Medieval.

The workshop has the following three objectives:
- First, to enhance cross-linguistic research in syntax and information 
structure with respect to discourse-status annotation (as in PROIEL).
- Second, to explore further the development of parallel corpora of 
selected texts from a variety of (old and modern) languages for machine 
translation, parser adaptation, and other uses. Special emphasis will be 
placed on parallel bible texts, given the fact that these are an 
excellent data source for historical linguists.
- Third, to investigate specific linguistic phenomena in a 
crosslinguistic comparison by means of parallel corpora. These 
linguistic phenomena involve primarily syntax (word order and phrase 
structure) and information structure, but also other aspects of grammar 
(e.g. morphology, prosody).

The workshop will be a full-day workshop consisting of three parts:
- A keynote presentation
- A main section with talks resulting from an open call
- An open discussion about future developments in historical-comparative 
linguistics from the perspective of view of eResearch methodology and 

Call for Papers:
The focus of this workshop is on eResearch methodology and analysis in 
historical-comparative linguistics. We invite the submission of papers 
by researchers with a mix of competences in linguistics and relevant 
computational linguistics and IT infrastructure development.

The research topics to be treated in the workshop include the following 
points in historical linguistic analysis:
- Studies of diachronic phenomena in syntax and semantics/pragmatics 
based on annotated corpora, providing replicable research using 
up-to-date statistical methods
- Comparative linguistics by means of parallel corpora, for example 
bible texts
- Development of diachronic corpora and corpora of historical languages, 
including questions of annotation
- The possibilities of integrated search in diachronic corpora 
(morphology, syntax, pragmatics; phonology, prosody, meter)
- Methodological studies - how can corpus linguistics contribute to 
diachronic linguistics?
- Ways to make sophisticated diachronic corpora available to 
philologists and researchers in related fields.

We invite two-page abstracts (plus a third page for references) for the 
first version (pdf-format). Submissions should include: title; 
author(s); affiliation(s); and contact author’s email address. Please 
mark your submission with the abbreviation ‘DiaCorpChange’.

Abstracts should be submitted via our EasyChair page:

If you have problems using EasyChair, please contact us at 
ichl-oslo at ifikk.uio.no.

The deadline for submissions to ICHL is 1 February 2013. We expect to 
send notifications by 1 April 2013.

Organizing Committee:
Lars Borin, University of Gothenburg
Miriam Bouzouita, Ghent University/Cambridge University
Andrés Enrique-Arias, University of the Balearic Islands
Thórhallur Eythórsson, University of Iceland, contact person
Dag Haug, University of Oslo
Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson, University of Iceland

Dr Miriam Bouzouita
Lecturer in Spanish Linguistics, Ghent University
Affiliated Lecturer, University of Cambridge

Email: miriam.bouzouita at ugent.be, mb829 at cam.ac.uk


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