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Dorothy Disterheft
Sat Oct 4 17:04:19 UTC 1997
Date: Wed, 01 Oct 1997 11:02:14 +0100
From: Javier Martinez Garcia <martinez at>
Subject: 6. Int. Conf--Use of Computers in Historical and Comparative
6. International Conference about the Use of Computers
in Historical and Comparative Linguistics
Frankfurt a.M., 21-24 October 1997
I. The preliminary conference programme
II. A preliminary list of participants
III. Information materials about Frankfurt
The materials as enclosed here can also be found under the
following internet address (URL):
We look forward to meet you in Frankfurt!
Preliminary Conference Programme
Di. 21.10
10:00 Begrung
10:30 Josef Wallmannsberger -- Corpora travelling on a
shoestring: The arte povera
of CD-Romance
11:30 Cirilo Garcia Roman -- La elaboracion electronica de
indices y concordancias de
textos bilingues: soluciones practicas a problemas tecnicos.
12:00 Fco. Javier Martinez Garcia -- ??
-- Mittagspause --
14:30 Eva Maria Lill -- The future user of a dictionary -
will he be better informed than
ever? The use of machine readable full texts and electronic
facsimiles in the making of
the 'Deutsches Rechtswrterbuch'
15:00 Klaus Barger -- Flexionsmorphologie der deutschen
Verben der
Gegenwartssprache. Entwicklung einer Datenbank im Rahmen der
Mi. 22.10
10:00 Daniel Ria1o Rufilanchas -- Analisis y etiquetado
sintactico del corpus de los
textos clasicos. Perspectivas y modelos.
10:30 Jose Antonio Berenguer Sanchez -- Greek Lexicography
& Indoeuropean
Lexicography and Internet
11:30 Arash Zeini -- Ein Digitales Iranisches Wrterbuch
12:00 Jesus-Luis Cunchillos Ilarri -- El Analizador
Morfologico Ugartico
Do. 23.10
10:00 Istvn. S. Batori -- Das Projekt UEDB
10:30 Hansje Braam -- CALC Project (Central Asian Languages
11:30 Makasa Kasonde -- Computers and Didactics: Preparation
and Dissemination of
Teaching Materials: The Case of Comparative Bantu.
12:00 Harald Vajkonny -- From text to dictionary:
Computer-aided research on minority
-- Mittagspause --
14:30 Jost Gippert -- Multilingual Text Retrievel:
Requirements and Solutions.
15:00-17:30 Workshop: Full text retrieval -- WordCruncher
Fr. 24.10
10:00 Johann Tischler -- Dresdner Aktivitten. Bericht ber
laufende Projekte.
10:30 Petr Zemanek -- ??
11:30 Petr Vavrouek -- Digitalisierung von
12:00 Svetlana Vyvenko -- Vernetzungsarten in einem
etymologischen Hypernetz
-- Mittagspause --
14:30-17:30 Workshop: UNICODE
Bureau/Contacting Address:
Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft
Georg Voigt Str. 6
Postfach 11 19 32
D 60054 Frankfurt.
Tel: +49 69 7982 3139
Fax: +49 69 7982 2873
email: martinez at
Dr. Fco. Javier Martinez Garcia ~ Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft
Universitat Frankfurt ~ Postfach 11 19 32 ~ D-60054 Frankfurt
tel. +49- 69- 7982-2847; (sekr.) -3139 ~ fax. +49- 69- 7982-2873
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