History of Linguistics conference (Leuven B, 2-4 July 198)

Lieve Jooken lieve.jooken at arts.kuleuven.ac.be
Sat Apr 4 20:15:09 UTC 1998

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
XI. International Colloquium of the Studienkreis
`Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft'
The History of Linguistic and Grammatical Praxis
Leuven, 2nd - 4th July 1998
Pierre Swiggers, Piet Desmet, Lieve Jooken, Alfons Wouters (K.U.Leuven)
Annie Boone (V.U.Brussel)
Peter Schmitter (Universitat Munster, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies,
Second Circular
Wednesday 1 July
16.00-19.00     REGISTRATION .
Thursday 2 July
Venue:  House of Chievres, Great Beguinage.
09.00   Registration opens at House of Chievres.
09.30   Opening address
Session I       Antiquity to Renaissance
10.00   Muriel Lenoble, Pierre Swiggers, Alfons Wouters (Leuven, B)
        L'enseignement grammatical entre latin et grec: le manuel de
10.30   Pieter A.M. Seuren (Nijmegen, NL)
        The Notion of Transformation in Antiquity
11.00   COFFEE
11.30   Nico Lioce (Oostende, B)
        Aspects grammaticographiques de l'ouvre rhetorique de Joan de
        Castellnou (XIVe siecle)
12.00   Willy Van Hoecke (Leuven, B)
        La `Declaration des Abus' (1578) d'Honorat Rambaud: La pratique
        de l'enseignement de l'ecriture et la necessite d'un systeme
        universel de transcription phonetique
12.30   Bernard Colombat (Grenoble, F)
        Les outils pour l'apprentissage du latin en France a la
        Renaissance et a l'Age classique
13.00   LUNCH
Session II      XVIIth and XVIIIth century
14.00   Werner Hullen (Essen, D)
        Textbook-families for the teaching of vernaculars between 1450
        and 1700
14.30   Cristina Marras (Munster, D & Tel Aviv, ISR)
        Grammatica Rationalis und Lingua Philosophica bei G.W. Leibniz
15.00   Astrid Gobels (Essen, D)
        Die "Brightland" Grammatik (1711): nationalsprachliche vs.
        rationale Grammatik
15.30   Brigitte Lepinette (Valencia, S)
        Les concepts de `methode', `grammaire', `art (grammatical)' et
        `cle' (pour apprendre le francais) au XVIIIe siecle dans
        l'enseignement du francais langue etrangere en Espagne
16.00   COFFEE
16.30   Serge Vanvolsem (Leuven, B)
        The first Italian grammar in Dutch (anon., Amsterdam, 1672)
17.00   Jan De Clercq (Zottegem, B)
        La grammaire francaise de Jean des Roches
17.30   Jutta Steinmetz (Paderborn, D)
        `Wissenschaft', `Sprache', und `Sprachwissenschaft' in deutschen
        Lexika und Enzyklopadien des 18. Jahrhunderts
18.00   Edeltraud Dobnig-Julch & Helmut WeiB (Regensburg, D)
        Georg Frantzlin: Versuch einer neuen Lehre ... der deutschen
18.30   Joseph Reisdoerfer (Luxembourg, L)
        Un mythe pedagogique: les etudes de grec dans les colleges
20.00   RECEPTION offered by Peeters Publishers & Booksellers at Peeters
        Bookshop, Bondgenotenlaan 153.
Friday 3 July
Venue:  House of Chievres, Great Beguinage.
Session III     XIXth & XXth century
09.00   Richard Steadman-Jones (Cambridge, GB)
        Etymology and language learning at the start of the 19th century
09.30   Dan Savatovsky (Paris, F)
        The interlinear translation techniques in Latin and French
language learning
10.00   Jan Goes (Gent, B)
        La "grammaire generale" et l'enseignement des langues: la
"Grammaire arabe" de Silvestre de Sacy
10.30   Els Elffers (Amsterdam, NL)
        Content words and function words in Dutch 19th-century school
11.00   COFFEE
11.30   Erika Hultenschmidt (Bielefeld, D)
        Traduction, jugement pratique et ordre des mots: Henri Weil,    eleve
juif d'August Boeckh et lecteur de K.F. Becker en France
12.00   Pierre Boutan (Montpellier, F)
        Langues maternelles et langue nationale a l'ecole primaire
francaise de la IIIe Republique: retour sur un conflit
12.30   Marie-Helene Claveres (Montpellier, F)
        La "methode maternelle" et le ministere de Victor Duruy
13.00   LUNCH
14.00   Annie Boone & Michel Berre (Brussels, B)
        De l'influence de la "Grammaire generale" de P. Burggraff
(1803-1881) sur les grammaires scolaires de la langue francaise
publiees en Belgique entre 1863 et 1890
14.30   Edeltraud Werner (Halle-Wittenberg, D)
        Giovanni Romani: Projekt einer rationalen Beschreibung des
Italienischen und Umsetzungsvorschlage fur den Unterricht
15.00   Klaus RoB (Duisburg, D)
        Sprachkunde oder Sprachwissenschaft im Lexikon? Eine
historisch-systematische Analyse der Artikel `Sprache' und
`Gebardensprache' am Beispiel dreier Ausgaben von Brockhaus und         Meyer
15.30   Jacqueline Leon (Paris, F)
        Langues auxiliaires, traduction, et modeles de traduction
automatique (1950-1970)
16.00   COFFEE
16.30   Sergej A. Romaschko (Moscow, RUS)
        title to be announced
Session IV      Missionary Grammars & non Indo-European Languages
17.00   Christopher Alake (Leuven, B)
        Early Descriptions of the Yoruba Language. The Work of Samuel   Ajayi
17.30   William B. McGregor (Melbourne, AUS)
        Fr. Alphonse Tachon's research into Nywlnyul (Dampier Land,
Western Australia), 1890-1900
18.00   Matti Leiwo (Jyvaskyla, FIN)
        Presentation of the Finnish case system in school grammars
19.00   GUIDED TOUR of the University Library
Saturday 4 July
Venue:  Justus Lipsius room, Faculty of Arts, 8th floor,
        Blijde-Inkomststraat 21.
Session V       Structuralism
09.00   Brigitte Bartschat (Leipzig, D)
        Baudouin de Courtenay in Tartu/Dorpat (1883-1893) - Entwicklung
        seiner sprachtheoretischer Ansatze
09.30   Jorg Hardy (Munster, D)
        Semiologie und Linguistik bei F. de Saussure
10.00   Markus Linda (Essen, D)
        Ansatze zu einer Semiologie des Sprechens und Horens in den
nachgelassenen Papieren Ferdinand de Saussures
10.30   COFFEE
11.00   Klaas-Hinrich Ehlers (Berlin, D)
        Zeit der Zirkel. Deutsche slawistische Forschung nach dem
organisatorischen Modell des fruhen Strukturalismus.
11.30   Michael Hanke (Bonn, D)
        Die "Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft" der Bonner Schule, ca.
12.00   Maria Herrlich (Paderborn, D)
        Der EinfluB Leo Weisgerbers auf die Auffassungen von
`Muttersprache' und Sprachpflege
12.30   LUNCH
14.00   GUIDED TOUR of Leuven (ca. 21 hours).
End of Conference
The conference registration fee is 1000 BEF and covers all conference costs
(including programmes, booklet with abstracts, tourist information, coffee
and lunch during all sessions, and guided tour of Leuven). Advance payment is
not necessary. You will be asked to pay your conference fee in cash on the
If you are interested in participating, please send your name and address by
mail, fax or e-mail to the following address BEFORE APRIL 15, 1998:
Lieve Jooken
XI. SGdS Colloquium
Department of Linguistics
Faculty of Arts
P.O.Box 33
B-3000 Leuven
Fax: +32-16-32.47.67
E-mail: Lieve.Jooken at arts.kuleuven.ac.be
TEL./FAX no:
Travel information, a map of Leuven and a list of hotels and B&B's will be
sent to you on receipt of your registration. Please also indicate whether you
will join the following activities, included in the conference fee:
will/will not participate in the informal get-together with buffet at Cafe
Hoegaarden on Wednesday 1 July.
will/will not join the guided tour of Leuven on Saturday afternoon, 4 July.

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