SLE 98 St. Andrews
Dorothy Disterheft
Thu Jan 15 20:36:38 UTC 1998
to Workshop during the 31st SLE Conference
at St. Andrews, 26-30 August, 1998
Workshop organizer: Werner Abraham, Groningen
(E-mail: ABRAHAM at LET.RUG.NL, FAX: +31-50-363 58 21)
Workshop topic:
`Spoken and written languages;
their structural and typological differeences'
The workshop aims at presentations in the following subfields to
the general title:
parsing strategies divided between spoken and written vernaculars;
differences and historical changes initiated by parsing rather than
ral triggers (such as, as the underwritten himself will claim in a
contribution to
the workshop, the Upper German preterite decay); typological
differences be-
tween genetically closely related languages such as Afrikaans,
Yiddish and dial-
ectal Germans (more or less strongly svo) vs. written German (sov);
what me-
diates between sov and svo other than (Charles Fries' claim)
distinctions of mor-
phological case? It will be shown in the paper referred to above
that distinctions
of a discourse-functional sort and their prerequsites in structural
terms (wide
middle field!) can contribute to the upkeeping of sov despite the
fact that case
morphology is rather weak (dialectal German and Dutch).
Organization: (especially younger) colleagues interested should contact
at Groningen with an abstract covering an adjacent topic no longer than
one page
(for a 20-30 minutes presentation). The intention is to submit a
collection of the-
matically unified papers to FoL as a self-contained volume.
Heed: To attend the conference you need to be a member of the
Societas Linguistica Europaea. Please
contact the local organizers, Dr. Christopher Beedham and Dr.
Isabel Forbes, Dept. of German, School
of Modern Languages, The University, St. Andrews, Fife KY16 9PH,
Scotland/UK, cb1 at,
FAX (01334) 46 36 77, home page:
Mail to: Werner Abraham, Duits-Letteren-RUG,
Oude Kijk in 't Jat Straat 26, NL-9712 EK Groningen
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