Protolanguage dictionaries of NAmerican languages

John Hewson jhewson at
Mon Mar 9 20:54:43 UTC 1998

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Mary Haas suggested in The Prehistory of Languages that deeper
reconstruction could best be done on the basis of protolanguage
dictionaries of families with a time depth similar to Romance or Germanic.
Algonkian is such a family, and we have some 4000+ items of reconstructed
vocabulary. Are there any other such protolanguage dictionaries
or equivalent resources for other Amerindian families? Information would
be greatly appreciated.
John Hewson                                     tel: (709)737-8131
University Research Professor                   fax: (709)737-4000
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's NF, CANADA A1B 3X9

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