Basque and Georgian cousins?

D. Anthony Tschetter-Breed tonybreed at
Tue May 19 15:56:42 UTC 1998

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I'm curious if anyone out there has heard if Basque and Georgian are
languages and cultures.  The man who told me this was not a linguist; he
an expert on intelligence, as in CIA-type intelligence.  Still, he seemed
sure that it was true, and that everyone knew about it and accepted it.
why I'm putting this question to this list; if everyone knows about it,
you'll be able to confirm it.
The story, thoroughly plausible, is that a group of Georgians broke away
Georgian society (perhaps during a drought; this fact, he said, is found
in the
traditional Georgian mythos or oral history).  They traveled west,
looking for
a place to settle, and continued until they found a place like their old
mountains near the sea, i.e. the eastern Pyrenees.
This came to light when a Georgianist happened to notice that the folk
of the Basque are remarkably similar to those of the Georgians.
Is this on the level?  If it's true, then how well known is it really?
I'd always
been taught that Basque was an isolate.
-Tony Breed
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