s > r (Iberian)

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal mcv at wxs.nl
Thu Nov 12 16:36:38 UTC 1998

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
"Alan R. King" <mccay at redestb.es> wrote:
>Now: are there any interesting sibilant-transforming phenomena in apitxat,
>I wonder?
>(1) Does /s/ voice before voiced consonants?  (In Castilian and Galician
>this is the only context in which we find [z].  My money is on the same
>thing happening in apitxat.)
>(2) Does /s/ rhotacize?  Does it aspirate?  Does it drop?  (I'm guessing no
>to all three...)
My direct experience with apitxat is minimal, but I guess your
guesses are correct.  I'm still wondering where my non-voicing of /s/
in Castilian before /n/, /m/, /l/, /r/ comes from.  Aragonese?
That's where my father's from.
I've just remembered a case of Catalan zetacism: the word <armari>
"cupboard", vulgo [az'mari].  Could be hypercorrection, could be
dissimilation, as opposed to assimilation in *ciresa > cirera
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at wxs.nl

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