r and s

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal mcv at wxs.nl
Mon Oct 26 10:53:46 UTC 1998

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Ralf-Stefan Georg <Georg at home.ivm.de> wrote:
>And: the rhotacistic process has been called rather exceptional, not very
>wide-spread in this thread. I'm not so sure whether we've already found all
>prominent examples, I think there must be more.
There sure must be, although for some reason I can only come up with
syllable/word final examples.
Armenian: *-is and *-us > -r in certain cases (erkir < *dwis, erir <
*tris, u-stem nouns and adjectives like barjr, asr, t`anjr etc.)
Basque: sl > rl, e.g. irla "island" < Spa. isla; erle "bee" < *ezle,
cf. ezti "honey", ezko "wax". [NB. Basque <z> is (laminal) /s/, not
/z/!; -le is an agentive suffix]
Hausa: the ind. obj. pronoun <ma/sa\> "to him" has a variant ma/\r (<
*mas) [the /, \ and /\ are high, low and falling (high->low) tones].
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at wxs.nl

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