Cladistic language concepts

Ghiselin, Michael mghiselin at
Fri Sep 4 12:06:08 UTC 1998

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
          Dear Professor Hewson,
               I am a bit puzzled by the definition of bilinguality
          though it is a bit far from the original topic of lineages
          and such.  As I had understood it, bilingual persons are
          supposed to be equally adept at two languages, not just to
          be fluent in both.  And are not the typical bilinguals
          persons who say, learn one language from one parent, the
          other from another?  I remember some very interesting
          discussion about such matters from Els Oksar when both of us
          were in Berlin a few years ago.
               Switching makes sense for reasons you suggest.
          However, we switch from one jargon to another, and I am
          wondering how much of what you mention is just that.  Mixing
          jargons can be sort of fun, if perhaps sometimes offensive:
          Like the dog or bitch returneth to his or her vomit....
               Forgive me.  It is late in the day and I really must go
          home, but thanks for the interesting comments.
          Michael Ghiselin

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