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Dorothy Disterheft DISTERH at UNIVSCVM.SC.EDU
Fri Feb 5 13:49:41 UTC 1999

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
We have prepared a web page for potential graduate students and their
advisors, advertising the concentration of specialists in many
aspects of historical linguistics at the University of Manchester,
now a world-class centre for the subject. Please have a look at

The page gives a brief listing of projects currently in progress at
Manchester, scholars, and courses, with links to all the relevant

David Denison and Nigel Vincent

        David Denison
        Dept of English and American Studies
        University of Manchester | Manchester M13 9PL | U.K.
+44 (0)161-275 3154 (phone)  +44 (0)161-275 3256 (fax)
d.denison at (email)

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