History of the English Language at Kalamazoo

Britt Mize bmize at email.unc.edu
Thu Aug 10 23:10:52 UTC 2000

----------------------------Original message----------------------------

(Please excuse cross-posting.)

The Carolina Association for Medieval Studies is sponsoring a session on
the History of the English Language at the next International Congress
on Medieval Studies (May 3-6, 2001) in Kalamazoo.

Papers on any aspect of the history of the English language are invited
for this session. Proposals treating any period of the history or
prehistory of English are eligible for consideration, as are proposals
with an emphasis on HEL pedagogy, and approaches to the subject matter
may be diachronic or synchronic. Possible topics include (but are not
limited to) these: sociolinguistic factors in the history of English;
morphological or syntactical change; phonological developments; lexical
borrowing; orthography; the relationship between spoken and written
English; semantics; dialect; the emergence of English from the West
Germanic dialect continuum; gender representation; grammatical gender;
the sociohistorical relationship of English to other languages; and the
development of standardized forms of English.

Abstracts should be directed to Britt Mize at the following address:

       CAMS, c/o Department of English
       Greenlaw Hall, CB #3520
       University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
       Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3520

or via email at bmize at email.unc.edu. If you send an abstract by surface
mail, please include your email address so we can confirm receipt of
your submission.

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