New publication on Polynesian historical linguistics

Malcolm Ross Malcolm.Ross at
Mon Dec 18 11:56:30 UTC 2000

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
PACIFIC LINGUISTICS is happy to announce the publication of the work
described below.

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equivalent to about US$ 0,55.).

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The Publications Administrator
Pacific Linguistics
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
The Australian National University
Canberra   ACT   0200   Australia

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Topics in Polynesian Language and Culture History

Jeff Marck

PL 504
The present volume first reexamines Polynesian language subgrouping from
the point of view of shared sporadic sound changes. The main conclusion of
those chapters is to support Bill Wilson's idea that East Polynesian
languages might be most closely related to the languages of Tuvalu
northwest of Samoa, along with the "Ellicean" Outliers. Later chapters
cover cosmogony and kin terms for the various Polynesian subgroups,
traditional interests of culture historians that were not much investigated
prior to the work of this thesis. The volume ends with a discussion of how
language and ethnicity transformed over time in early Western Polynesia,
both becoming more focused on particular island groups at about the time
population pressures were first being felt in the larger island groups
(Samoa and Tonga).

2000    ISBN 0 85883 468 5      281 + xxi pp.
AUS $59.95      ($54.50 international)  Weight 600g


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