Today's variation, tomorrow's change

Adrienne Bruyn a.bruyn at
Mon Oct 23 11:42:24 UTC 2000

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
While I wouldn't want to claim that Givón never said anything on variation
& change, it seems that Mohamed Diriye Abdullahi is rather thinking of his:

"today's morphology is yesterday's syntax"

(which may need some qualification as well)

page 413 of:
Givón, Talmy. 1971. 'Historical syntax and synchronic morphology: an
archaeologist's field trip'. Papers from the 7th Regional Meeting Chicago
Linguistic Society (CLS 7), pp 394-415.

Adrienne Bruyn

At 11:36 am +0100 23/10/0, Mohamed Diriye Abdullahi wrote:
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>I remember correctly the statement or something similar belongs to T.
>Givon. I was not able to locate the exact reference.
>I hope that helps.
>Mohamed Diriye Abdullahi

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